28 August 2023

The introduction of a longevity gene has extended the life span of mice

This experiment by American scientists could be a breakthrough in the fight against many diseases, including cancer, as well as help in solving the problem of longevity. The authors of the study told about it in the journal NATURE.

They worked with a naked digger. This phenomenon has long attracted the attention of scientists around the world. Animals the size of a mouse do not feel pain, are resistant to cancer and other age-related diseases. The earth mole lives much longer than all other rodents of this size.
It has previously been shown that such amazing properties he owes hyaluronic acid (HMM-HA), which in his body about 10 times more than in mice and humans.

In the new work, biologists transplanted to mice a gene from naked shrews responsible for increased synthesis of hyaluronic acid. As a result, they had increased levels of the acid, lower cancer rates and better health. As for life expectancy, it increased in different individuals from 5 to 12 percent compared to normal congeners.

What is the reason for this effect of hyaluronic acid on the body, has yet to be studied. And of course, the authors of the work plan to use the revealed effect of hyaluronic acid to help people in the future.
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