17 April 2008

2008 competition for medals of the Russian Academy of Sciences

The Russian Academy of Sciences announces a Competition for medals of the Russian Academy of Sciences with prizes for young scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences, other institutions, organizations of Russia and for students of higher educational institutions of Russia for the best scientific works.

1. General provisionsIn order to identify and support talented young researchers, promote the professional growth of scientific youth, encourage the creative activity of young scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences, other institutions, organizations of Russia and students of higher educational institutions of Russia in conducting scientific research, the Russian Academy of Sciences annually awards 19 medals with prizes of 50,000 rubles each to young scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences, other institutions, organizations of Russia and 19 medals with prizes in the amount of 25,000 rubles each to students of higher educational institutions of Russia.

The competition for medals of the Russian Academy of Sciences with prizes is held in the following main areas:1. Mathematics

2. General physics and astronomy
3. Nuclear physics
4. Physical and technical problems of power engineering
5. Problems of mechanical engineering, mechanics and control processes
6. Computer science, computer engineering and automation
7. General and technical chemistry
8. Physical chemistry and technology of inorganic materials
9. Physico-chemical biology
10. General biology
11. Physiology
12. Geology, geophysics, geochemistry and mining sciences
13. Oceanology, atmospheric physics, geography
14. History
15. Philosophy, Sociology, psychology and Law
16. Economy
17. World economy and international relations
18. Literature and language
19. Development or creation of devices, techniques, technologies and new scientific and technical products of scientific and applied significance.

For the medals of the Russian Academy of Sciences with prizes for young scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences, other institutions, organizations of Russia and for students of higher educational institutions of Russia for the best scientific works, scientific works performed by young scientists or students, as well as their teams (no more than three people) are accepted, and works performed independently by young scientists or students, so it is in co-authorship with senior colleagues, if the creative contribution to these works from young scientists or students is significant. Senior colleagues do not participate in the competition.

Each winner of the competition is awarded a medal and a diploma of the laureate, a badge and a prize is paid.
The award to the winners of the competition - co-authors of collective work is paid in equal shares.

Works for the 2008 competition for medals of the Russian Academy of Sciences with prizes are sent by mail (by simple mail, without declaring the value of the postal item, without notification of delivery) before July 1, 2008 to the Commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences for Work with Youth at the address: 101990 Moscow, Maly Kharitonevsky Lane, house 4. Tel.: 628-64-61. On the envelope, indicate one of the 19 directions for which the work is being put forward, and the names of the contestants.

2. The procedure for the nomination and registration of works for medals of the Russian Academy of Sciences with prizes for young scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences, other institutions, organizations of Russia
For the medals of the Russian Academy of Sciences with prizes for young scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences, other institutions, organizations of Russia (hereinafter referred to as medals of the Russian Academy of Sciences with prizes for young scientists), scientific papers (work cycles), materials on the development or creation of devices for
scientific research, methods and technologies that contribute to the development of scientific knowledge, characterized by originality in the formulation and solution of scientific problems.

Works previously awarded State prizes, as well as prizes and medals of the Russian Academy of Sciences, are not accepted for medals of the Russian Academy of Sciences with prizes for young scientists.

Scientific papers are accepted for consideration after their publication, including in co-authorship with senior colleagues. Materials on the development or creation of devices for scientific research, methods and technologies can be put forward for a competition before their practical completion.

Works performed by scientific and other young employees, teachers, research interns, postgraduates and doctoral students of institutions and organizations of the Russian Academy of Sciences, other research institutions, universities, enterprises and organizations of Russia under the age of 33 at the time of submission of the work are nominated for medals of the Russian Academy of Sciences with prizes for young scientists
for the contest.

The right to nominate works for medals of the Russian Academy of Sciences with prizes for young scientists is granted:
a) academicians and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
b) branch scientific institutions and higher educational institutions of Russia;
c) scientific institutions of branch academies of the Russian Federation;
d) scientific and scientific-technical councils of various enterprises and organizations of Russia;
e) academic councils, councils of young scientists and specialists of scientific institutions of the Russian Academy of Sciences and higher educational institutions of Russia.

Scientific papers, materials on the development or creation of devices for scientific research, methods and technologies are submitted to the competition in duplicate in the form of books, prints of articles or printed on a typewriter or printer with the necessary illustrations to the text and bibliography, as well as an indication of one of the 19 areas of the competition for which the work is being put forward.

Note. Manuscripts of dissertations are not accepted for the competition.

For each work nominated for a medal of the Russian Academy of Sciences with a prize for young scientists, it is necessary to attach two copies:

a) an abstract of the work (indicating its full name, surname, first name, patronymic of the authors and one of the 19 directions of the competition for which the work is being nominated), signed by the authors;

b) submission-a review of the work (indicating its full name, surname, first name, patronymic of the authors and their creative contribution), signed by the management of the organization or persons nominating it;

c) information about the authors of the work – young scientists nominated for a medal of the Russian Academy of Sciences with a prize for young scientists (name of the work, surname, first name, patronymic, place of work with indication of departmental affiliation, position, academic degree, year, month and birthday, home and office addresses, home and office phone numbers, fax, e-mail and internet address);

d) one 3.5” floppy disk with the TITUL file.DOC in the WORD-6 editor containing the following information1*:
1. full name of the work;
2. the direction of the competition for which the work is being put forward;
3. a brief summary of the work (no more than 1 page of text);
4. name of the institution where the work was performed;
5. information about the authors of the work – young RAS with a prize for young scientists:
5.1. surname, first name, patronymic of the author 1;
5.1.1. the year, month and day of his birth;
5.1.2. place of work (full name) with indication of departmental affiliation;
5.1.3. current position;
5.1.4. academic degree;
5.1.5. the number of scientific papers, monographs, speeches at major scientific conferences published with the participation of the author;
5.1.6. the number and name of grants, awards, scientific internships, etc. received with the participation of the author.;
5.1.7. home address;
5.1.8. business address;
5.1.9. home phone;
5.1.10. office phone number;
5.1.11. fax;
5.1.12. e-mail;
5.1.13. Internet address;
5.2. surname, first name, patronymic of the author 2, etc.

Russian Russian scientific papers, if they are not presented in Russian, must have an abstract in Russian.
The scientific work together with the listed documents should be enclosed in a folder with the inscription “For the medal of the Russian Academy of Sciences with a prize for young scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences, other institutions, organizations of Russia”. The cover of the folder also indicates the name of the institution where the work was performed, the full name of the work, the surnames, first names, patronymics of the authors, one of the 19 directions of the competition for which the work is nominated.

Works that are not executed in accordance with the established procedure are not considered.

4. Presentation of medals and diplomas on awarding medals of the Russian Academy of Sciences with prizes for young scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences, other institutions, organizations of Russia and for students of higher educational institutions of Russia
The decision of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences on awarding medals of the Russian Academy of Sciences with prizes for young scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences, other institutions, organizations of Russia and for students of higher educational institutions of Russia for the best scientific works, the list and annotations of the awarded works are published in the “Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences”, in the “News of the Russian Academy of Sciences” of the corresponding series, in the journal “Bulletin of the higher school” and in the newspaper “Search”.

Persons awarded medals of the Russian Academy of Sciences with prizes for young scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences, other institutions, organizations of Russia and for students of higher educational institutions of Russia are issued diplomas and badges of the established pattern.
Medals of the Russian Academy of Sciences with prizes for young scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences, other institutions, organizations of Russia and for students of higher educational institutions of Russia, badges and diplomas of awarding medals are awarded at a meeting of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences in February 2009.

Prizes to the laureates of the competition are paid by the Accounting and Reporting Department of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Note. 1*, 2* Item numbers in the file TITUL.DOC required. Each of them ends with a dot, followed by the content of the corresponding paragraph separated by a space. If there is no information on one of the items, then an empty field follows after its number.

Source: www.poisknews.ruPortal "Eternal youth" www.vechnayamolodost.ru


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