14 October 2008

Competition for the best scientific work of university students

In order to create organizational and economic conditions for the disclosure of creative abilities and education of students, preserving and replenishing on this basis the intellectual potential of Russia, stimulating higher educational institutions in the organization of research work of students, further development of the integration of science and education in 2008, another open competition for the best scientific work of students in natural, technical and humanities in higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation.

Scientific and methodological support of the open competition is entrusted to:
- GOU HPE "Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (State University)"
- FGNU "State Scientific and Methodological Center".

Independently completed scientific works of university students in natural, technical and humanitarian sciences are submitted to the open competition. The scientific work should be done in Russian.

Independently completed scientific works of university students in natural, technical and humanitarian sciences are submitted to the open competition. The scientific work should be done in Russian.

The open competition is open to students and student groups (no more than three people) of universities of the Russian Federation, member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States (hereinafter - the CIS), including foreign citizens studying at universities in Russia and CIS countries.

The scientific work is carried out by the student team if it is necessary to carry out an interdisciplinary study of the chosen topic.

The open competition is held in two rounds.

The first round of the open competition is held in universities. To conduct the first round of the open competition, the rector (Vice-rector for Scientific Work) creates a competition commission. The best scientific papers during the first round are selected on a competitive basis for participation in the second round of the open competition. The management of the university has the right to encourage students - laureates of the first round of the open competition. The first round of the open competition may not be held for objective reasons.

The second round of the open competition is held in basic universities until January 22, 2009. The best scientific papers selected for participation in the second round of the open competition are sent to the basic universities in the relevant scientific sections by December 15, 2008. The date of submission of scientific papers is set by postmark (date of departure).

On the basis of the minutes of the CCCC meeting, by order of Rosobrazovanie, students - laureates of the open competition are awarded with the medal "For the best scientific work" or a diploma of the open competition, and scientific supervisors of students awarded with the medal "For the best scientific work" are awarded with a diploma of the open competition.

Detailed information is available on the website www.boss.mephi.ru .
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