13 September 2012

Graduate school at Rockefeller University

Grants 2013 for postgraduate studies
Rockefeller University (New York, USA)

Rockefeller University (The Rockefeller University, New York, USA) announces the next enrollment in postgraduate studies in a wide range of biomedical and related specialties: biomedicine, biochemistry, chemistry, structural biology, genetics, molecular, cellular biology, immunology, virology, microbiology, physics, mathematical biology…

Graduate students entering the university with a clear understanding of their scientific interests can immediately join the work in the selected scientific group. Those participants of the program who have not decided on the choice of a research topic by the beginning of training can participate in the work of several scientific laboratories during the first year. The final decision on the selection of the scientific group in which dissertation research will be carried out should be made by the graduate student by the end of the first year of study. By the end of the second year of study, the graduate student presents the developments on the topic of the dissertation.

By giving a graduate student the freedom to choose a suitable research group for him, the university contributes to the creation of strong long-term professional and human ties between the younger and older generations of researchers, graduate students and scientific supervisors.

The University provides graduate students with the opportunity to choose academic courses. In addition to the three general courses required during the first year of study, you can additionally choose several special courses. If a special course important for the research work of a graduate student is available only outside of Rockefeller University, the dean's office organizes the training of a graduate student at the educational institution where the necessary special course is taught.

The university provides full financial support to the participants of the program, including the payment of tuition fees and the payment of scholarships. For the 2011-12 academic year, the scholarship was $33,000. It is possible to receive additional research grants in the amount of $ 1,500 in the first year of study to $1,000 in the second year; grant funds can be used to attend scientific conferences, purchase necessary equipment (for example, a computer) or purchase literature necessary for research. Additional grants are provided for participation in foreign research events.

To participate in the program, you must submit the results of the GRE General Test before the deadline for submitting applications.

Applications for participation in the program are accepted online until December 3, 2012.

The university application code is 2761.

Details are available on the Rockefeller University website.

The translation of the message was carried out by employees of IC "NT-INFORM"Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru


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