16 March 2010

L'Oreal – for women in science

L'Oreal Russia, with the support of the Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO and the Russian Academy of Sciences, appoints 10 scholarships for young Russian women scientists in order to promote the scientific careers of Russian women.

These scholarships in the amount of 350,000 rubles each are intended for female scientists, candidates of sciences under the age of 35, working in Russian scientific institutes and universities in the following disciplines: physics, chemistry, medicine and biology. Their goal is to allow young women scientists to become famous, make their work visible and accelerate the implementation of their projects.

Nominations must be submitted from February 1 to July 31, 2010.

You can download the application form for participation and find out more details on the contest website.

Please send the completed questionnaires, as well as any questions that arise, to loreal@lorealfellowships-russia.orgPortal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru


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