30 June 2008

RFBR grants for 2009

The Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) holds competitions in 2009 to receive financial support (grants) for Russian scientists to carry out fundamental scientific research in the following areas of knowledge: • (01) mathematics, mechanics and computer science;

• (02) physics and astronomy;
• (03) Chemistry and materials sciences;
• (04) Biology and medical science;
• (05) Earth Sciences;
• (06) human and social sciences;
• (07) information technology and computing systems;
• (08) fundamentals of engineering sciences.

The Foundation announces the following types of competitions:
• "a" – initiative scientific projects carried out by small (up to 10 people) research teams or individual scientists;
• "ano" – for writing analytical scientific reviews;
• "g" – organization of Russian and international scientific events in Russia;
• "d" – publishing projects;
• "z" – participation of Russian scientists in international scientific events abroad;
• "k" – organization of expeditions (and field research);
• "r" – regional projects.

All types of support for fundamental scientific research are carried out by the Foundation on a competitive basis, regardless of age, academic rank, academic degree or position held by the scientist, as well as the departmental affiliation of the scientific organization with which the scientist is in an employment relationship.

Each scientist can simultaneously participate in several types of competitions. At the same time, for each of the competitions (except for the "g" competition), the scientist has the right to submit only one application as a supervisor and, accordingly, become, at the end of the competition, the head of only one project that has received financial support from the RFBR. In each of the "a", "r" and international competitions, a scientist who is a project manager can simultaneously participate in only one more project as a performer. Participation as a performer in a project led by an administratively subordinate person is prohibited.

The condition for the provision of financial support by the Fund is the obligation of scientists to make the research results public domain by publishing them, including necessarily in Russian publications. When publishing any scientific work created based on the results of research within the framework of a project funded by the Foundation, the authors are obliged to refer to the grant received with its number. The authors' consent to the publication of the project report by the Foundation (in printed and electronic form) is also a prerequisite.

For all competitions in 2009, only those applications that are issued using the interactive (via the Internet) system "Grant-Express" will be accepted for consideration.

The registration cycle consists of the following stages: registration of the applicant's person (if this was not done earlier), preparation of the application, registration of the application. After receiving the registration number, the project manager must print and submit to the RFBR 1 (one) printed copy of the application (for projects of regional competitions – 2 (two) printed copies of the application to submit to the regional expert council), and for publishing projects - also the manuscript of the book or a trial translation.

Detailed rules of operation in this system are presented on the server http://grant.rfbr.ru or http://grant.rffi.ru . If necessary, requests related to the operation of the remote application registration system should be sent to grant@rfbr.ru .

Deadlines for submission of applications for the 2009 contests: • for competitions "a" and "d": registration of applications through the Grant-Express system - from July 1 to September 15, 2008 (after receiving the registration number through Grant-Express, the project manager must send 1 (one) printed copy of the application to the RFBR (for the competition "d" – together with the manuscript), which should be received by the Foundation by September 30, 2008;

• according to the ANO competition: registration of applications through the Grant-Express system; applications are accepted throughout the year;
• according to the competition "g": registration of applications through the Grant-Express system throughout the year; a printed copy of the application must be received by the Fund 4 months before the start of the event;
• according to the competition "z": registration of applications through the Grant-Express system throughout the year, but no later than 60 days before the start of the event; a printed copy of the application must be received by the Fund no later than 45 days before the start of the event (since consideration of the application in the RFBR may take up to 30 days);
• according to the "k" competition: registration of applications through Grant Express from December 15, 2008 to January 15, 2009 (after receiving the registration number, the project manager must send 1 (one) printed copy of the application to the RFBR, which must be received by the Fund by January 22, 2009);
• for "r" competitions: registration of applications through Grant Express from June 27 to August 15, 2009 (after receiving the registration number, the project manager must submit 2 (two) printed copies of the application to the regional expert council by August 18).

Printed copies of applications should be sent to the RFBR postal address (by simple letter, without declared value; parcels are not accepted by the Foundation). In addition, applications can be dropped directly into the mailbox of the Foundation installed in the building at the specified address, daily from 10 to 17 hours, except weekends.

The rules of registration and forms for submitting applications, the classifier, as well as the codes of regions and lists of abbreviations of the names of academic degrees, academic titles, positions, ministries and departments of the Russian Federation are given on the RFBR website.


Moscow, V-334, GSP-1, 119991, Leninsky Prospekt, 32a
Phone for inquiries: (495) 938-55-32
Fax: (495) 938-1931
Website: http://www.rfbr.ruPortal "Eternal youth" www.vechnayamolodost.ru


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