Science is beautiful!
The publication "Science and Technology of Russia" ( ) announces a contest of scientific photographs "Science is beautiful!". We want to show how beautiful and fascinating science can be.
Everyone can take part in the competition – specialists and experts in the field of science, creative and extraordinary people.
Our goal is to form a new view of science and technology in Russia, to develop a creative approach to scientific activity, to reflect its individual, unique image.
The publication "Science and Technology of Russia"
Park-Media LLC
InformNauka Agency
With the support of:
Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Federal Agency for Science and Innovation of the Russian Federation
Union of Photo Artists of Russia
General Sponsor:
"Nanotechnology – MDT"
Official partners:
Club of Scientific Journalists
Youth Scientific and Technical Center
Russian Union of Young Scientists
Terms of the competition:
The contest presents photographs made using various photography techniques – micro and macro photography.Photos can apply for participation in the competition in the following categories:
1) "The world hidden from our eyes" 2) "Science means development"
3) "Innovation is not only a sonorous word!"
A special nomination of the company "Nanotechnology – MDT" – "Aesthetics in hardware" (photos are accepted for participation in the nomination, which depict the NT-MDT equipment in an artistic form).
Selection criteria for the winners of the competition
The artistic and technical aspects of the work are evaluated, as well as the level of complexity and presentation of the material.
Competition prizes
Within the framework of the competition, 3 prizes were announced in each of the nominations:
1st place – 20,000 rubles .
2nd place – 10,000
3rd place – special prize
Special prizes – "Sympathy Prize", "Sponsor's Prize".
All winners receive commemorative diplomas.
General requirements:
> The author-participant of the competition must send to the organizing committee a completed application form for participation in the competition.
> The number of submitted materials for the contest from one author is not limited.
> Photos taken as part of scientific processes, including research and development, are accepted for the competition.
> Photos must be made at a good technical level.
> Photos are submitted electronically with a resolution of 300 dpi. The quality of the digital image should allow you to print a photo in at least A3 format for exhibition.
> Photos in tif or jpg format.
> Together with the photo, a cover letter for 1 page is sent to the editorial office with a description of the essence of the image and the work within which this photo was taken, if the work is the result of research activities.
The jury of the competition: Chairman of the jury
Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the Center of Photochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Members of the jury MELNIKOV M.Ya.
Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Laboratory, Chief Researcher of the Chemical Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University
OZERIN A.N. Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director, Head of the Laboratory of the N.S. Enikolopov Institute of Synthetic Polymer Materials of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Director General of the State Directorate of the Target Scientific and Technical Program
General Director of the Park-Media company
Assistant to the Head of the Federal Agency for Science and Innovation
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Advisor to the Senior Executive Vice President of Sibur LLC
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Advisor to the Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSC AFK Sistema on Innovative Development
Creative Director of leading international advertising agencies since 1995.
Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the journal "In the World of Science"
Editor-in-chief of the agency "InformNauka", the journal "Chemistry and Life" AGAFONOV A.
Secretary of the Union of Photographers of Russia
artist, designer, photographer, designer of the popular science magazine "Chemistry and Life" and other popular science and socio-political publications.
Researcher at the P.K. Sternberg State Astronomical Institute of Moscow State University, specialist photographer of astronomical photography and macro photography
Competition program
1) Photos and annotations are posted on the website to determine the winner in the nomination "Sympathy Prize".
2) In order to form three prizes for each of the nominations, photos are sent to the jury for consideration.
3) The choice of the winner in the category "Aesthetics in hardware" is formed by representatives of the company "Nanotechnology MDT"
4) As part of the award ceremony, a series of master classes from leading photographers, art experts, science specialists and an exhibition presentation of the works of the contest participants will take place.
Participation in the contest is free of charge. Works are accepted from April 1 to May 30, 2008 in the editorial office of the publication
Information support: General Information Partners
"In the world of science"
Official information partners
"Intellectual property"
"Adviser to the President"
"Russian nanotechnologies"
"Russian Electronic Nanojournal"
Information partners
Contacts: Tel.: +7 (495) 930 8850, 930 8707.
Follow the details on the website www.strf.ruIn the photos:
Spectrum INTEGRA is a NanoLab for studying the spectral properties of a sample, including those with ultra-high resolution (beyond the diffraction limit). This unique system received the prestigious prize of the American magazine R&D100 as the best development of 2006 in the field of analytical equipment. The photo shows how the light is supplied through a fiber optic light guide. Author: Stanislav Leesment, NT-MDT.
INTEGRA Solaris is a NanoLab for studying the optical properties of a sample with a resolution of up to 30 nm (beyond the diffraction limit). This is achieved using the method of scanning near-field optical microscopy (SBOM). Author: Stanislav Leesment, NT-MDT.
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