08 May 2015

University of Oslo invites postdocs to develop vaccines

Postdoctoral grants 2015-2018 to biologists at the University of Oslo

The University of Oslo announces the acceptance of applications for participation in the postdoctoral fellowship competition for researchers specializing in vaccine development. The program is funded by the Norwegian Research Council and includes the development of vaccines against pneumococcal infections.

Citizens of any country in the world who have a degree equivalent to the Norwegian degree of Doctor of Sciences in the relevant field can participate in the program. In total, it is planned to provide two scholarships. The participant of the program must have fundamental training in the field of immunology and (or) microbiology; be able to independently plan and conduct the necessary research, keeping within the prescribed deadlines; know English well.

The three-year scholarship program starts in September 2015. The research project is being implemented by an international group including scientists from Norway, Great Britain and Switzerland.

The selection committee pays special attention to the applicant's ability to work in a team.

Applications for participation in the program are accepted online until May 17, 2015.

Information about the program is available on the website of the University of Oslo. 

The translation of the message was carried out by employees of IC "NT-INFORM"Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru


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