27 June 2008

How to make water "magical"


Having taken up the "water" investigation, to be honest, I was confused for a long time. Well, what can you say about water? Explain to the adherents of the "cluster" and other "modified" water that they are engaged in nonsense and make money on them corny? You might as well tell a theological seminary that there is no God.

However, there are some points that should be clarified. You see, having stumbled upon an advertisement for another miracle water or having watched another odious film with a claim to scientific and documentary content on the central channel, someone will think…

Well, let's, traditionally, in order.

Neither here nor thereWater really plays a huge role in human life.

To begin with, at least, with the hackneyed fact that our body on average consists of about eighty percent water. And from the fact that dehydration is a very real cause of death.

Water is a universal solvent, and in addition to the H and OH ions themselves, it usually contains a lot of other chemicals and compounds that greatly affect its properties.

Can water be "dead"? Easily. If, say, it contains toxins. Or if its mineralization (salt content) does not meet the needs of the body. It's like on a ship – there is a sea of water around, and there is nothing to drink.

Can water be "alive"? Can. And this property, again, is determined by impurities. Mineral waters are quite curative, especially if they are used as prescribed by a doctor. After all, all "mineral waters" are different, and are suitable only for certain disorders and health problems. They, like any medicine, have their own indications and contraindications.

Oddly enough, but this is the end of adequate information about water. Then the natural circus begins, to understand which is not an occupation for the faint of heart.

The eighth glassHow much water should I drink per day?

A strange question, it would seem, if you want to drink, you drink, if you don't want to, you don't drink. But not everything is so simple. "A person is obliged to drink 8 glasses of water a day" — this statement is more than a dozen years old. And where did it come from at all?

Excavations conducted on the Internet led to the recommendations of the US National Academy of Sciences as early as 1945 (Food and Nutrition Board, National Academy of Sciences. Recommended Dietary Allowances, revised 1945. National Research Council, Reprint and Circular Series, No. 122, 1945 (Aug), p. 3-18.)

In this document, the notorious phrase sounded. Only, as it turned out, it sounded a little different:


So, 1 ml of water for each calorie of food consumed was considered necessary for a person. The average diet of a modern person is 2000-2500 calories, which is really equal to 8 glasses of water. But that's why everyone has amicably forgotten the second part of the phrase, and in fact it is the key one: "Most of the required amount [of water] is contained in cooked food."

Thus, the notorious 8 glasses are not added to the daily diet, as some advocates of an excessively healthy lifestyle claim, but are included in it. Otherwise, a soldier whose daily ration in combat conditions contains 5,000 calories would have to drink 5 liters of water. And so it is not far from water poisoning.

You say it's impossible to get poisoned with water? You're wrong. If an excessive amount of water enters the body – more than the kidneys, skin and lungs can withdraw – the concentration of vital electrolytes (potassium, sodium, chlorine, etc.), plasma proteins will decrease. The range of troubles – from vomiting and convulsions to coma and death, depends on the degree of fanaticism of the individual "pumping" with water.

So the question of "how much to drink" should be dominated by an individual approach. Water must be consumed according to needs, and they are all different. And kidney problems, if anyone has them, must be taken into account. But like this, so that "I have to drink two-three-four-five liters, at least crack" — fire me. It is really possible to crack.

The Miracle of clusteringInformation about "cluster water" wanders from site to site almost unchanged.

It looks something like this:

"Fifteen years ago, Japanese scientists discovered a type of water that they didn't even know existed. It turned out that in newborn infants and young animals, the cells contain a very special water. If you look at its structure under a microscope at a magnification of 20,000 times, you can see the shape of a snowflake. This water is called clustered, that is, structured."

It's true about the Japanese. It came from them. More precisely, from the author of the book "The Message of Water", a doctor of alternative medicine (he called himself that) Masaru Emoto. That's just in the databases of medical research, nothing on the topic of cluster water could be found. And then it becomes clear why.

"If a person drinks such water, it has a powerful healing effect, removes toxins from cells and stops the aging process. DNA molecules contain just such water. The body of a pregnant woman is actively working on the structuring of water, which leads to many changes in the body. This is one of the reasons why childbirth rejuvenates."

Sorry, but what, ordinary water does not remove toxins from cells? Provided they are water-soluble, of course. Sorry twice, but why are the perestroika in the pregnant woman's body associated with water, and not with hormones? Well, sorry three times, where does the water in the DNA molecules come from?? Does it condense there between the nucleotides? Or is it necessary to remove toxins from DNA too?

"Water has a cluster structure due to the temporary bonds that arise between hydrogen molecules. It is this structure that determines the properties of water in its interaction with biological objects."

How bad it is to study well at school. I learned back then that water consists of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom, and dissociates into two H and OH-ions. Apparently, I missed some higher knowledge, according to which the water is now not atomic, but molecular hydrogen. Gas. Although yes, everything is correct, because the first part of the water formula is "H 2". And only then "Oh". Two loaves and a half of black, oh, that is, a hydrogen molecule and a half of an oxygen molecule…

By the way, there are also pictures for this nonsense. For example, under this one, on a completely blue eye, there is an inscription – "The formula of water". And in the picture – a UFO. By all indications, a male.

"If the liquid crystal lattice of water resonates at frequencies equal to 50, 60 and 105 GHz (the so-called "health frequencies"), it has a beneficial effect on the general state of human health."

And who designated these frequencies as "health frequencies"? Why these numbers? What exactly is the beneficial effect manifested in? Everything comes back to normal by itself, no matter what hurts there?

"When treated with specially modulated torsion radiation, water acquires a structure that resonates precisely at these frequencies and transmits this structural information to living objects."

Oh, and here's the magic phrase "torsion fields". Of course, everything immediately became extremely clear and understandable. It is, of course, they, the torsion fields, modulated in a special secret way, resonate and heal. Only in the presence of physicists, not a word about torsion fields, agreed? And then they can beat you. Maybe with your feet.

But physicists really know about clusters of water molecules. They really do exist. In the electromagnetic field, the water molecules are ordered. After removing the field, they can indeed maintain this state for some time. A few picoseconds (10-12 seconds). And it is possible to keep them longer (say, up to 10 -9 nanoseconds) only in fairly harsh laboratory conditions (an inert gas environment, low temperatures, etc.). But not in a bottle at room temperature.

Yes. I completely forgot. Healing should be paid for. That's why they charge workers exorbitantly for cluster water. The average price of a half—liter bottle is 500-900 rubles, although there were copies of 1500 for a 100-milliliter bottle. Apparently it depends on the method of "recording information" on the water – now more and more computers are involved in this case, for example, they sell flash drives with recorded frequencies of all medicinal herbs. At this rate, they will soon get to Vidal's directory. And what? Convenient: all pharmaceuticals on one carrier. I poured some special water, "charged" it with information about the right medicine – and I'm healthy! The main thing is that the textbook on operative surgery does not fall into the hands of manufacturers…

The miracle of corallizationAnother miracle water, which is intensively sold on the Internet and according to advertisements in newspapers, is a source of "bioavailable calcium", the so-called "coral water".

Again, no mention of her in medical journals could not be found.

Texts about "coral water" are full of the terms "bioavailable", "ionized", "information purified", etc. You will laugh, but in all food calcium is ionized – in the form of Ca 2. And it does not require any special actions or efforts to make it "even more ionized".

Let's go through some more properties."Water passes through a mild form of electrolysis, which ionizes water, giving it antioxidant properties."

There is no such substance as "ionized water", it is always, in any case, already represented in the form of two ions. There is also no evidence that water can have antioxidant properties. As well as clinically confirmed information that the intake of various antioxidants from the outside is able to bring at least some benefit to the body.

"Coral water stimulates the immune system, improves well-being and increases life expectancy."

There is no scientific evidence that at least some mineral supplements can affect immunity and life expectancy. Clinical studies on this topic have also not been found.

"Acidosis (acidification of the blood) is the first sign of a lack of calcium in the body. Coral water restores the acid-base balance of the body, shifting it to the alkaline side, which is more favorable for immunity."

Nonsense: The pH of the blood can fluctuate only within very narrow limits, and a shift in any direction for the body is fraught with the most severe consequences. By the way, we tolerate acidosis much better than alkalosis (the same shift to the alkaline side). And the acid-base state is corrected by a powerful blood buffer system. Somehow, it is impossible to shift the pH from the outside by taking acidic fruits or "alkaline" water. Acidosis, first of all, will talk about kidney failure or diabetes mellitus. And calcium deficiency can be judged, say, by the loss of bone mass.

"Coral water radically saturates the blood with an additional amount of oxygen."

I have little idea how this can be done without having a pressure chamber at hand.

By the way, this water is also very noticeable – about 1000 rubles for 30 bags of magic powder. The powder is proposed to be dissolved "in distilled or filtered water." The funny thing is that these are very different types of water in terms of mineral composition, and the final product will vary greatly. However, are sellers up to such trifles? They buy – and that's fine.

Glandular waterThe number of various devices for home cooking of "living water", as well as various "healing" hypostases of H 2 O amazes to the depths of the soul.

Merchants brazenly take advantage of the ignorance of buyers and sell them penny items for a lot of money. An ordinary household filter copes with the same task perfectly (120 rubles for a replaceable cartridge).

In general, all this is painfully reminiscent of one story with the brave soldier Schweik, told by Yaroslav Hasek in his immortal book. Let me briefly remind you, maybe someone hasn't read it. Schweik was caught by Lieutenant Oak drinking liquid from a cognac bottle. Resourceful Schweik, in order to avoid punishment, said that the bottle was not brandy at all, but healing glandular water from a local source. Naturally, the commander demanded to show the source and join the healing.

"Schweik walked, surrendering himself to the will of God. Something told him that the well should be ahead, and therefore he was not at all surprised when they actually came to the well. Moreover, the pump was intact. Schweik started pumping, yellowish water flowed from the pump.

"Here it is, this ferruginous water, Lieutenant,– he announced solemnly.

A frightened, bearded man approached, and Schweik asked him in German to bring a glass, saying that the lieutenant wanted to drink.

Lieutenant Oak was so stunned that he drank a whole glass of water, from which the taste of horse urine and manure remained in his mouth. Completely distraught from everything he had experienced, he gave the bearded Jew five crowns for this glass of water and, turning to Schweik, said:

– What are you staring at here? Go home!"

Dear readers, don't be like an Oak Tree. In every sense of the word.


Portal "Eternal youth" www.vechnayamolodost.ru12.03.2008

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