05 March 2009

Three clones from the clown

Vladimir Gram, "Newspaper.Ru»The Italian doctor Severino Antinori somewhat resembles our Ernst Muldashev.

No one doubts the highest qualifications of the Bashkir ophthalmologist, the head of his own eye surgery center in Ufa and the pioneer of several clinical techniques. But now Muldashev goes to Tibet and meets three-eyed lamas there, descends to the bottom of the seas and oceans and finds Atlantean power plants there. However, he cannot show evidence – the lamas asked them not to photograph them and forbade the ophthalmologist surgeon to cut out the third eye, and the Atlantean power plants completely block the work of all documenting equipment.

Roman Severino Antinori is engaged in reproductive medicine and gynecology. He is also a highly qualified doctor and has allowed many couples to have offspring. But at some point, he "got stuck", and the conservative Italian society is increasingly distorting from the doctor's actions. It was he who, with the help of artificial insemination, allowed a 62-year-old woman to give birth, he is also going to fertilize another patient in the coming weeks with the sperm of her husband, who has been in a coma for several years.

But Antinori's greatest fame came from his statements about human cloning. Exactly 8 years ago (remember this number!), in March 2001, Dr. Antinori and several of his colleagues promised that the first cloned child would be born in the next couple of years. And when representatives of the Raelite sect announced the birth of the first cloned girl in December 2002, everyone immediately thought of the Italian doctor. Moreover, he himself had stated a few weeks earlier that the first human clone was on the way.

However, these statements have disappeared into the media space. Neither Antinori nor the Raelites presented any evidence, citing the need to respect the dignity of the cloned girl and her parent. Well, the lamas were not allowed to cut out their third eye – they, the poor, with two eyes, the chakras do not open wide enough.

Now Antinori again refuses to show evidence, referring to the same right to privacy. But he makes even bolder statements. As stated by Severino Antinori in an interview with Oggi magazine, quoted by the France-Presse agency, three cloned children have already been born and are quietly living in Eastern Europe; where exactly, it is not reported.

However, when it comes to details, something doesn't add up. Firstly, the clone children, according to the Italian, are already 9 years old. How is that? It seems exactly 8 years ago they were still only in the plans. Were they born two or three years old already?

Secondly, there are two boys and one girl among the clones, but for some reason three men and three women participated in their conception. At the same time, Severino claims that it was about the technology of transplanting the nucleus of a cell of a cloned organism into an egg devoid of a nucleus; the famous Dolly lamb was created using this technique.

But let me, who is the clone of the girl? Obviously not the father. Then who, the mother? Then what does the father have to do with it?

One could assume, of course, that Antinori transplanted a haploid set (half) of the chromosomes of the mother cell into the paternal sperm and then fertilized the mother with them. But, firstly, no one has been able to do this yet, and secondly, why not transplant them directly into the egg, if you have learned how to transplant complete male sets. It seems that only the option remains, in which the "clone" has half of the chromosomes from the father and from the mother, but the fusion of the egg with the sperm is usually called not cloning, but simply fertilization.

In any case, Antinori managed to attract attention to himself again, and he loves this business most of all. In 2003, he even deliberately provoked a scandal by accusing the Italian police of surveillance and demanding explanations personally from Silvio Berlusconi. Berlusconi, if memory serves, did not answer. But Muldashev should take note of this method.

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