29 November 2019


"Human cancer genes" found in vaccines: nonsense or truth?

Alexander Berezin, Naked Science

Anti-vaccination sites claim: "The medical mafia, led by mentally ill leaders, began to add cells of aborted human embryos to vaccines for profit. However, these cells, in turn, are modified by human cancer genes ..." (the quote is taken from a real resource, any reader can Google it himself).

Let's leave aside the words "mafia" and "mentally ill". Is it true that cells of aborted human embryos are added to vaccines? And are they really being modified with "cancer genes"? Let's try to figure it out.

Why do vaccines need cells of dead embryos

A vaccine is a drug that contributes to the development of a vaccinated person's resistance to the causative agent of a particular disease. In order to "train" our immune cells on the "enemy", we need to show the immune system what its opponent looks like. But so that a person does not get sick from such a "display", when making a vaccine, the pathogen must either be weakened, or killed, or only some compounds (proteins, toxins) that occur exclusively in the pathogen must be removed from its composition.

But in order to get such a weakened / killed / "dismembered into proteins" pathogen, it must first be grown somewhere. And this is a big problem. The fact is that you can't give the flu virus an artificial laboratory nutrient medium and expect it to multiply perfectly. He won't eat it.

For a number of pathogens – especially those that a person has recently received from other species – there is no problem. Large volumes of influenza virus can be grown on the tissues of chicken and its eggs (and large volumes are needed for mass production of vaccines), measles and much more.

However, a number of viruses have been cohabiting with our species for too long and do not want to reproduce on tissue samples of other species. Rubella, hepatitis A and chickenpox – and not only them, unfortunately – want to live with a person and do not reproduce outside his cells. They are grown on cells of human origin at a reduced temperature so that the virus adapts to live with it. When such a virus enters a person, it cannot multiply quickly in it: it is too hot. But our immunity gets a chance to practice on such a "lame" virus, in order to then destroy its full-fledged counterpart, caught outside of vaccination.

It would seem that it is easier than taking a skin cell of an ordinary healthy person from laboratory assistants and multiplying viruses on it. Alas, this is utopia. Our normal, healthy cells have a built-in self-destruction mechanism: after a certain number of divisions, they age and die. And this is undesirable: as old cells divide and die, the genetic composition of the cell line changes.

If we want the vaccine parameters to be stable – and any deviation from them can give the vaccine more pathogen activity, which is dangerous for the vaccinated – we must grow the pathogen in stable, unchangeable and controlled conditions. That is, in those that ordinary, healthy human cells simply cannot provide because of the self-destruction mechanism built into them.

This means that in order to create a breeding ground for attenuated pathogens (the main component of the vaccine), human cells (diploid, in other viruses rarely want to live) are needed, where the self-destruction mechanism is either removed altogether, or the "counter" of the number of cell divisions has worked a limited number of times. The first are cancer cells. The second are the cells of the human embryo, for example.

There are more than enough sources of both, cancer cases and abortions tens of millions annually. But we need cells with the most stable parameters, so it's better to take embryo cells once and use them for a long time.

Almost all vaccines in the world are made on the basis of cells taken from two embryos that died as a result of two abortions in the 1960s. One of them was a healthy male embryo from Sweden. The second one comes from Britain (MRC-5 cell line): that abortion was performed for "psychiatric indications", and what is there with the mother is not clear. Britain in the middle of the last century was a country where homosexuals were chemically castrated, which led to suicide, and the "mentally disabled" could be forcibly subjected to abortion.

What Italian researchers blame the Priorix Tetra vaccine for

An Italian group calling itself Corvelva has fully read the genome contained in the Priorix Tetra vaccine. The rubella and chickenpox viruses in it are grown on the MRC-5 cell culture mentioned above. The Italian group named its publication based on the results of this analysis – "Vaccinagate". The name is loud. What is behind it?


On the left is the DNA of an unknown "normal person" (Corvelva does not write who she took as a sample of normality, and the DNA of each of us is slightly different). On the right is the DNA of the MRC-5 human cell line / © Corvelva

According to Corvelva, the complete genome of a human embryo was found in the analyzed vaccine. The cells are old, their line began dividing a long time ago – half a century ago. The vaccine contains all the chromosomes of the embryo, not just its individual genes. The DNA of these cells is "clearly abnormal", however, it is not indicated in comparison with what.

In the cell line found in the vaccine, 560 human genes associated with the occurrence of cancer are different from standard genes of this kind in an "ordinary person" (which one is also not specified). General conclusion: potentially, the genes contained in this vaccine can lead to the formation of tumors.

It sounds scary – especially if you don't know the topic. I want to figure out: is it true or not? If we want to understand the seriousness of a scientist's claims, we need to find out who he is, what his scientific reputation is, and whether he can be trusted. How he conducted his research, what his methodology is. What kind of scientists work for Corvelva and how did they come to their conclusions?

Alas, the names of scientists working for Corvelva are not listed in the publication of this group... We don't know who they are. These are anonymous people, people who were ashamed to sign their own statements. Apparently, that's why the publication was published not in a scientific journal that does not accept anonymous letters, but on the website of Corvelva itself. At the same time, we do not know in which laboratory and by what method they found the complete genome of the embryo in the Priorix Tetra vaccine.

Yes, yes. Anonymous from Corvelva did not indicate the name of the laboratory in the work, only noting that they sent a sample for analysis to one of the laboratories in the USA. Note: they are Italians. That is, people draw conclusions from genetic analysis, which they did not do themselves. Not very similar to the normal sequence of actions for scientific research.

Okay, now let's forget all this. Let's say such claims would come not from anonymous people from the Internet (it is difficult to call Corvelva researchers otherwise: they are ashamed to name their own names), but from serious scientists. The methodology would be specified, the name of the laboratory would be clear – and it would be a laboratory with a good reputation. Let's assume – for no particular reason, but let's assume – that all the data on the analysis of the vaccine in the work is correct.

What then? Is it correct in this case to conclude that vaccines whose viruses are grown on MRC-5 can lead to cancer in a person vaccinated with such a vaccine?

Why "cancer genes" in vaccines are safe

Let's start with the basics: "cancer genes" – that is, those whose activity can lead to the transformation of a cell into a cancerous one – absolutely every person has from birth. And even cancer cells are in any of us on any day of the Christian calendar – as well as any other. This is not some mistake of nature. On the contrary, it is an extremely effective solution used for almost all multicellular species.

Although cancer cells occur in any person literally every day, as a rule, if everything is fine with his immunity, he kills cells that can create a tumor and lives normally. However, with age – or from negative external factors such as smoking and so on – the immune system may work worse, then the cancer cells have time to "gain a foothold", begin to divide and give a tumor.

Since MRC-5 is a human embryo, there simply physically could not be "cancer genes" in its complete genome. As in the genome of everyone reading these lines. Moreover, these genes may differ from each other in all of us. The MRC-5 cell line has existed in refrigerators and laboratories for half a century. During this time, additional mutations could accumulate in it, as they accumulate in the body of any of us with aging.

Finally, the main question. If slight differences in MRC-5 genes could cause the appearance of tumors in vaccinated people, according to anonymous from Corvelva, then why are there no cancerous cells found among the MRC-5 cells? Why did the Corvelva analysis show the presence in the Priorix Tetra vaccine of only ordinary "age-related" cells of the human MRC-5 line? Where are the cancers? There are none.

If a cell line has a chance of cancer, it can manifest itself on the genes of this cell line: some of them will become cancerous. But such problems cannot manifest themselves in someone who receives this cell line with an injection.

What happens if we take the ordinary cells of one person and transfer them to the tissues of another in any way? Can they start reproducing inside it? No.

Recall: during sexual acts, people leave a huge number of epithelial cells on their partners, including on the mucous membranes. But no one has seen these cells take root on a sexual partner. On the contrary, they are dying there. Even if you just transplant a tissue (or organ) from one person to another, the immune reaction will kill this tissue. To prevent this from happening, they try to grow the lost tissue from the cells of the patient himself.

The genetic material from the MRC-5 cell also cannot get into the cell nucleus of a person receiving a vaccine injection. The reasons are similar: the human cell nucleus is strongly protected, and you just can't get there. If it were otherwise, we would constantly receive genetic modifications from many microbial cells living in symbiosis with humans.

Recall: we have only a trillion of our own cells and about three trillion cells of symbiotic bacteria and archaea. Where are the traces of the mass "infusion" of their genes into the DNA in the nuclei of our cells? There are no such traces.

Why does Basilio the cat need dark glasses

Corvelva works like a classic fraudster pretending to be a scientist. She uses "smart words" like "cancer genes" to intimidate those of us who think that cancer genes are only in cancer cells. Who does not know that human cancer cells are just human cells that have the same genes as ourselves, but some of them did not work as usual.

The victims of the organization of Italian Internet anonyms may indeed be scared. They never thought about how and where vaccines come from. Therefore, they do not know that some of them are obtained by multiplying the virus on the basis of cell lines of two embryos that died as a result of abortions half a century ago. For them, the very phrase "the vaccine contains the genes of human embryos" is terrible.

However, if you do not panic because of anonymous "research" conducted by unknown people in unknown laboratories, and calmly clarify the issue for yourself, the situation does not seem so terrible.

Yes, it is sad that in Italy anonymous citizens think that "as long as fools live in the world, we have to live with deception." It's sad that they think the human species is so stupid that they don't even consider it necessary to sign their thoughts with their own surnames.

But is this the first time? Haven't crowds of scammers of all stripes already passed before us, offering, for example, to drink urine to cure all diseases and remove the crown of celibacy? Or the fastest dictatorship of the proletariat (option – privatization) as the key to rapid economic growth?

Of course, their promises never come true. None of the people became healthier from drinking urine, nowhere did the dictatorship of the proletariat accelerate economic growth, nowhere did privatization lead to an increase in the competitiveness and market share of privatized industries. Similarly, nowhere will the refusal of vaccination lead to a reduction in cancer mortality: these things simply have nothing to do with each other.

But that's okay. Anonymous and non-anonymous scammers don't tell their stories to make you feel better. They do it to make it better for them. Do you hear the words "vaccines contain cancer genes"? Feel your pockets and try not to turn your back to the speakers.

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