11 February 2011

Your opinion is important for the Modernization Commission

A single entry point for modernization issues - iRuOnline!i-Russia.ru launches the iRuOnline service on an ongoing basis to collect appeals, questions, opinions, wishes, suggestions sent to all members of the Commission on Modernization and Technological Development of the Russian Economy and working groups, with the aim of further publishing answers on the website i-Russia.ru



Dear colleagues, like-minded people, friends and everyone who is interested and important in the process of modernization of the Russian economy. We thank you all for participating in the work on modernization initiatives. Having started quite recently, today we together make up a huge community of caring people, professional experts, scientists and young people. In a word - supporters of modernization!

Having started within the framework of the website of the Commission for Modernization and Technological Development of the Russian Economy - i-Russia.ru - and its representations in social networks, today our community of like–minded people has outgrown this framework and requires the allocation of a separate direction - a single point of communication between the company and the Modernization Commission. We decided to make this entry point iRuOnLine - a code word by which we will be able to receive, transmit, coordinate and then, in an online conference mode, publish all the answers to your questions from members of the Commission and working groups at the Commission. Now this will happen on an ongoing basis. 

We hope that the new way of communication will allow us to continue working together in the field of modernization of the Russian economy.

Addresses, appearances and passwords are declassified on the website of the authors of the appeal.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru11.02.2011

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