29 July 2022

An order of magnitude better

The vaccination patch created in Australia is 10 times more effective than conventional vaccinations in the fight against COVID variants

Vaccination against coronavirus using a microchip patch developed in Australia is much more effective than traditional vaccinations when protecting against COVID-19 variants, according to a press release COVID vaccine patch fights variants better than needles.


"We found that vaccination with a patch is about 11 times more effective in combating the omicron variant than vaccines administered with a needle," said Christopher McMillan, a researcher at the University of Queensland.

The patch for the introduction of the vaccine was developed by the biotech company Vaxxas in Brisbane. It is a high-density microchip that delivers the drug to the skin layers saturated with immune cells. According to the publication, scientists from this company and from the University of Queensland tested the patch using the American Hexapro vaccine on mice and came to the conclusion that this method of administering the vaccine is much more effective.

Macmillan noted that any coronavirus vaccine administered with such a patch contributes to the development of a stronger immune response than if it were administered with a needle.

For his part, Macmillan's colleague David Mueller said that the patch vaccine is a "new and more effective weapon" in the fight against coronavirus, especially when the virus is rapidly mutating and new variants of it appear.

Vaxxas has announced the expansion of Hexapro patch production for large-scale clinical trials. This expansion includes the construction of the first patch manufacturing facility in Brisbane.

Article by McMillan et al. Skin-patch delivered subunit vaccine induces broadly neutralizing antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern published in the journal Vaccine

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