23 November 2018

Coarse - pored hydrogel

A cheap hydrogel has been developed for rapid wound healing

Sergey Kolenov, Hi-tech+

The new compound has wider pores that allow cells to penetrate into the wound and participate in its healing. An important advantage of this gel is the cheapness of the initial components.

Many chronic diseases, such as diabetes, greatly complicate the treatment of wounds. In such cases, doctors use hydrogels that form a temporary framework that promotes natural regeneration. Unfortunately, their effectiveness is limited because they prevent neighboring cells from participating in wound healing.

Researchers from The University of New Hampshire has come up with a solution to this problem – a hydrogel with larger pores. To do this, they combined standard gelatin gels with an enzyme known as microbial transglutaminase.


A drawing from the article by Hou et al. Injectable Macroporous Hydrogel Formed by Enzymatic Cross-Linking of Gelatin Microgels, published in the journal ACS Applied Bio Materials – VM.

As a result, the pore sizes have increased enough for neighboring cells to penetrate the wound, according to a press release from UNH Researchers Create a More Effective Hydrogel For Healing Wounds.

In addition, the new hydrogel allows the slow release of drugs for wound healing, for example, platelet growth factor.

The comparison showed that hydrogels of a new type, compared with conventional ones, significantly increase the migration of tissue cells, which is considered a distinctive feature of the regeneration process.

Scientists hope that the new tool will speed up the treatment of diabetic ulcers, as well as other damage to the skin, cornea and even internal organs.

Michigan Technological University has developed a microgel that can replace disinfection liquid. It releases hydrogen peroxide, which destroys bacteria and viruses, including those resistant to antibiotics.

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