How do people age in their prime
Researchers Learn To Measure Aging Process In Young Adults.
Scientists suggest that the refusal to drive and the deterioration of health are mutually conditioned: health problems force you to give up driving, and the refusal to drive aggravates health problems.
02 February 2016You can find out about the work of the institution and the rules of admission to it by contacting the integrated center for social services of the population or the department of social protection of the population of the Kalininsky district of St. Petersburg.
07 October 2015The Council on Public Health and Demographic Problems, with the support of the National Health League, presented the book "Prevention of Aging for All".
28 August 2015The Russian population is aging, and the government is increasingly liking the concept of active longevity, which is popular in the West. At least on paper – in real life, an archaic healthcare system and an extremely inefficient bureaucracy interfere.
23 June 2015The universality of aging does not exclude its belonging to diseases, but rather indicates that it is a special form of the disease. Even considering that aging is a natural process, it should not fall out of the scope of medicine.
04 June 2015You can write to the editor at:
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