Progressive dementia
Study: the number of dementia patients in the world will double by 2050
Svetlana Maslova, Hi-tech+
The number of people with dementia will double by 2050 and amount to about 14.3 million people in the European Union. Today, these figures are 7.8 million and 9.7 million people, respectively. Women are still more likely to have dementia: 6.5 million women compared to 3.1 million men. Taking into account the rest of the European countries, the figures may reach 19 million people. In other words, these are today's Portugal and Sweden, 100% of whose population will be incapacitated.
The total number of people with dementia in the world by the same date will exceed 100 million people.
The disease is incurable, but certain preventive measures can significantly delay or slow down its development in many.
According to the World Health Organization, there are about 50 million people diagnosed with dementia in the world today. Each year adds about 10 million more new cases. Dementia is a neurodegenerative disease that develops asymptomatically in a person for decades, and then reduces cognitive functions and in the final stages makes the patient completely dependent on the help of another person.
A new report on the prevalence of dementia in the period up to 2050 was presented in the European Parliament yesterday.
The forecast, which is reported by the website of the Alzheimer Europe organization, is based on a meta-analysis of 16 studies and is relevant for residents of European countries.
It is noteworthy that over the past ten years, the prevalence of dementia in all age categories has decreased compared to forecasts in 2008. Scientists associate these achievements with the prevention of dementia through a healthy lifestyle. For example, regular physical activity, healthy eating, socialization. However, the prospects are less rosy, they say. "The absence of more effective methods of treatment and prevention will continuously increase the number of new cases," the researchers concluded.
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