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- New in Gerontology
- "Underfed" primates
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Little and on time
Limiting the caloric content of the diet by 30% and observing circadian feeding rhythms extended the life of male mice by 35%.
12 May 2022 -
There will be no additives
Caloric restriction of the diet has prolonged the life of many animals, from yeast and worms to mice and monkeys. What about people?
06 February 2018 -
Fasting and sexual dimorphism
Scientists have uncovered an unusual link between a low-calorie diet, life extension and sex.
27 December 2017 -
Hungry and cold centenarians
Scientists studying the relationship between nutrition and longevity have found new evidence that a low-calorie diet helps people live longer: significant calorie restriction leads to a decrease in central body temperature.
16 May 2011 -
Fasting does not prolong life
One of the mechanisms of prolonging life with calorie restriction, found in experiments on rodents, is a decrease in the synthesis of insulin–like growth factor-1 (IGF-1). However, as Luigi Fontana and his colleagues have shown, a low-calorie diet does not have such an effect on people.
25 December 2008