06 July 2010

Billions of RUSNANO reanimate Russian pharmaceutical production?

The Supervisory Board of RUSNANO approved a project for the development and commercialization of domestic innovative medicines. The total budget of the project will be about 5.1 billion rubles, of which RUSNANO investments will be up to 1.2 billion rubles. The annual revenue of the project in 2015 is projected at 1.1 billion rubles, in 2017-2019 - 2.5-4.5 billion rubles.

The applicant of the project is the HimRar High Technology Center, a unique non–governmental research complex and innovative business incubator for Russia.

HimRar High Technology Center was founded in 1990. Today it is the only non-governmental research complex and innovative business incubator in Russia, uniting high-tech organizations leading developments for domestic and foreign pharmaceutical and biotechnological manufacturers.
ChemRar is engaged in the development and introduction to the market of innovative medicines based on the latest "post-genomic" technologies, the creation of additional research opportunities for pharma and biotech partners, import-substituting development and introduction into production of innovative and generic drugs, comprehensive programs for the localization of pharmaceutical production.
On the modern technological base of the Center, a full cycle of preclinical and clinical development of new drugs and medicinal compounds is carried out, starting with the identification of relevant biomishens for high-performance bioscreening, synthesis and testing of new molecules, development of ready-made dosage forms and ending with the release of new drugs.

HimRar transfers five innovative drug developments at the stage of preclinical and clinical studies to the project company being created. Promising drugs are intended for the treatment of AIDS, hepatitis C, diseases of the central nervous system and pancreatic cancer. To reduce investment risks, the project portfolio will be supplemented with 10 domestic and foreign developments.

"The development of the Russian pharmaceutical industry – and in fact, its revival – is an extremely difficult task, but the country has no choice," said Anatoly Chubais, CEO of RUSNANO, "This is a matter of both the prestige of the state and the health of the nation. This is one of the chances to attract "smart" money to the country's economy. We understand that today RUSNANO is one of the few investors able to take on the risks associated with the implementation of such projects."

Today, 80% of the domestic pharmaceutical market is made up of imported medicines. At the same time, the share of innovative domestic drugs in the structure of the Russian drug market is no more than 1%. Imported medicines are used to treat most cardiovascular, oncological and infectious diseases, disorders of the central nervous system, and other pathologies that are the main causes of mortality and disability in our country and around the world. Russian products account for no more than 0.04% of sales in the global pharmaceutical market.

"The project is aimed not only at creating Russian innovative medicines, but also at building the export potential of the industry: developments that have confirmed the effectiveness and safety in clinical trials will be licensed to foreign partners to promote them to the global pharmaceutical market," says Tatiana Nikolenko, Director of Infrastructure Programs at RUSNANO.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru according to the materials of the RUSNANO press service


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