28 September 2009

Cord blood banks in the world and in Russia

The state of the stem cell collection and storage industry. World SliceAnalytical reference of CJSC "ALOR INVEST" 

The stem cell industry, which includes research, drug testing, production of cellular preparations, storage and transplantation of stem cells, is a relatively young high–tech industry that is in the stage of rapid growth (including in the Russian Federation), which will last at least the next 10 years.

The development of the direction of creating new drugs based on stem cells and therapy can be called the most promising. There is a steady trend towards increasing stem cell research and the development of products based on them worldwide.

According to the US National Cord Blood Coordination Center, since the beginning of the 90s of the last century and until 2007, more than 5,000 cases of cord blood stem cell transplants have been registered in the world, and at the moment this figure has reached 7000.

Currently, North America occupies a leading position in the umbilical cord blood stem cell storage market – 44% of the world's stock of samples. It is followed by European countries (Germany, Great Britain, Spain) – 35%.

In 2008, private banks in the USA saved about 140 thousand samples (3.5% of the birth rate of 4 million people), and in Germany in 2008 about 13 thousand samples (1.9% of the birth rate of 690 thousand people) were saved.

It is estimated that by 2009, more than 1 million cord blood stem cell samples were stored in private banks.

Despite the global economic crisis, the biotechnology sector in 2008 demonstrated high financial performance on a global scale. The volume of revenue of listed companies in the biotechnology sector grew by 12% worldwide in 2008 and amounted to $89.7 billion. The volume of revenue of listed companies in the biotechnology sector in the United States in 2008 increased by 8.4%, and the volume of venture capital attracted to the sector amounted to $ 4.4 billion. The volume of revenue of listed companies in the biotechnology sector in Europe increased by 17%, in the Asia-Pacific region – by 25%. A number of IPOs have been noted in Japan and China.

Forecasts of the development of the industry in the worldAccording to Bone Marrow Donors Worldwide, in 2009, about 42 thousand samples of cord blood stem cells will be stored in public banks in the world.

It is predicted that the demand for stem cell samples used by transplant centers in the world will increase 5-fold by 2017.

According to the international consulting company Frost & Sullivan, the global market for cord blood banks in 2012 will amount to $690 million, in 2015 – $930 million, in 2020 – $1160 million; the market for therapy with stem cell–based drugs - $246 million, $855 million and $8940 million, respectively. Thus, the average geometric indicator of annual growth will be 56.6%.

The current state of the industry in Russia and its place in the world communityDespite the legislative and ethical problems that existed until recently related to stem cell research in developed countries, comfortable conditions have been created in Russia for doing this business.

It strengthens the competitive advantages of Russian companies and the existence of barriers to entry of Western competitors into the Russian market.

However, in Russia, the biotechnology market and, in particular, the market for obtaining and storing hematopoietic stem cells is not comparable to the world level, but has the potential for dynamic development in the coming years.

From 2003 to the present, about 15,000 umbilical cord blood samples have been deposited. But we can state a jump in the pace of development of this industry: in three years the market has grown by more than 4.6 times. The market volume in Russia in 2008 amounted to about $11.8 million.

There are 10 banks fully operating in Russia, 7 of which are private. The largest of them is "Gemabank" (owned by the Institute of Human Stem Cells).

Prospects of the Russian stem cell collection and storage marketIn the coming years, Russia will narrow the gap in comparison with foreign countries in the development of this sphere.

If today only every 330th woman in labor uses the services of stem cell collection and storage, then in 10 years, it is assumed that every 20th mother will use the service.

By 2013, it is predicted that the preservation of samples in Russia as a whole will account for 2% of the annual number of births, and by 2018 this figure will reach 4.5%. Taking into account the expected birth rate of 1,746 thousand births and 1,614 thousand births by 2013 and 2018, the volume of collection and preservation of cord blood stem cells will amount to 34.9 thousand and 72.6 thousand samples, respectively.

At the same time, the total volume of stored samples in Russian private banks will be about 91.8 thousand by 2013 and about 368.5 thousand samples by 2018.

The volume of the Russian stem cell storage market by 2013 will amount to about 2.82 billion rubles ($94 million), and by 2018 it will grow to 8.71 billion ($290 million), while Moscow and St. Petersburg will account for about 1 billion rubles by 2013 and 3 billion rubles by 2018.

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