28 January 2016

Overview of the private equity and venture capital investment market for 9 months of 2015

The analytical collection is currently the most comprehensive analytical document describing the state of the venture industry in Russia. To prepare this book, experts of the Russian Venture Investment Association conducted a large-scale study of the direct and venture investment market, which included a questionnaire, in which a large number of representatives of leading investment structures working in this field took part.

Studying the materials of this collection will allow all participants of the venture industry and just interested readers to see an objective picture of the state of the direct and venture investment market both in Russia as a whole and in the regions. 

It is important that the industry development trends in Russia are considered "in conjunction" with the analysis of similar trends in Europe. This study gives an idea of both the key trends in the industry and the factors hindering innovative development.

The authors of the collection focused on identifying long-term trends in the development of the venture industry, that is, analyzing those factors that will be relevant for investors and innovators for a long period.

Of course, current economic events will make their own adjustments to the dynamics of the development of the venture industry, but the strategic prospects of this business sector remain positive, moreover, it is the period of the crisis of the "traditional economy" that contributes to the emergence of innovative companies and new technologies.

In addition to the analysis of statistical data, the collection contains a number of theoretical information, as well as a database of investment funds operating in Russia.

You can download the collection on RAVI's website.

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