23 November 2011

The giants of the pharmaceutical business are forced to rebuild

The average cost of introducing a new drug to the market has increased by 25%Weekly Pharmacy www.apteka.ua according to The Guardian:

Pharmaceuticals struggle to find next blockbuster drugs as R&D costs soar

R&D costs continue to increase, but at the same time the number of drugs in the final phase of clinical trials is decreasing. Large pharmaceutical companies are taking measures to replenish their product portfolios with new blockbusters that could compensate for the reduction in sales revenue after the expiration of patent protection of certain medicines.

According to the information published in the report of the analytical company "Deloitte", which analyzed the financial performance of 12 of the world's largest pharmaceutical companies, in 2011, on average, the cost of introducing one drug to the market increased by 25% compared to the previous year and exceeded $ 1 billion. At the same time, the average number of medicines in the final phase of clinical trials per company decreased from 23 in 2010 to 18 in 2011. It should be emphasized that 10 of the 12 largest pharmaceutical companies in the world noted a decrease in the profitability of R&D developments (on average, this indicator decreased from 11.8% in 2010 to 8.4% in 2011).

In addition, Julian Remnant, head of Deloitte's European division, noted that the data presented reflect a holistic picture, in particular, the problems that the pharmaceutical industry has been facing recently. However, along with this, almost 2/3 of the 12 pharmaceutical companies represented in the study reported that the revenue from the commercialization of medicines exceeded the losses associated with the unsuccessful completion of phase III clinical trials of new drugs. There was also a decrease in the costs of pharmaceutical companies in all areas, with the exception of R&D development. This, in turn, led to an increase in the marginality of products and the release of additional funds that can be invested in R&D development.

However, some companies, such as Pfizer Inc., have abandoned the strategy of increasing R&D development costs in favor of acquiring rights to new medicines from biotech companies and research institutions. In 2010, spending on R&D development by the world's 12 largest pharmaceutical companies decreased for the first time compared to the previous year.

According to J. Closer cooperation between pharmaceutical market players, as well as between pharmaceutical companies and scientific institutions, can become an effective approach designed to increase the productivity of R&D developments.

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