15 October 2019

A new method of bariatrics

Currently, 500 million people suffer from type 2 diabetes and about two billion have fatty liver disease. A highly effective method of treating these diseases is bariatric surgery. However, only 1% of patients agree to surgery, the rest prefer less invasive methods of treatment.

In this study, scientists from King's College London compared the effects of the device of the Sleeve Balloon and traditional bariatric surgery on 30 rodents receiving food with a high fat content. The results were also compared with falsely operated rats, with a new device that reduces food intake by 60% and leads to a 57% reduction in fat mass. The effect on diabetes was just as impressive: blood glucose levels dropped by 65%

A sleeve balloon is a device containing a balloon connected to a sleeve that covers the initial sections of the small intestine. It allows you to skip a limited amount of food due to the duodenal sleeve, which prevents food from contacting the mucous membrane of the duodenum. The device is inserted into the stomach and intestines during minimally invasive surgery under general anesthesia.


It was found that the metabolic effects of this device are similar to the effects of gastric bypass surgery, but have clear advantages over the traditional method. In both cases, insulin sensitivity and heart function improved. However, while gastric bypass surgery causes a rapid increase in blood glucose levels after eating, which can cause hypoglycemia, the Sleeve Balloon slows down digestion, which has a stabilizing effect on blood sugar levels. This helps to control appetite and hunger, keeping a person fuller for longer and significantly reducing weight. The device should be removed after 6-12 months.

According to scientists, additional research is needed to efficiently manage the processes and avoid the cancellation of positive effects.

Article by Casella-Mariolo et al. Simulation of gastric bypass effects on glucose metabolism and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease with the Sleeve Balloon device is published in the journal EBio Medicine.

Elena Panasyuk, portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru based on the materials of King's College London: Type 2 diabetes and obesity could be treated by new, less invasive procedure.

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