05 July 2022

A new neuroprotector

Protein Found that prevents neurodegeneration

Svetlana Maslova, Hi-tech+

If the discovery is confirmed, therapy based on it will be aimed at stimulating the p62 protein, which has proven to be a key tool for removing toxic plaques that destroy neurons. Probably, the same strategy will form the basis of preventive measures to prevent Alzheimer's disease.

Cellular homeostasis is supported by selective autophagy, the process of removing unwanted proteins. For example, tau proteins are necessary for the internal organization of neurons, but with abnormal accumulation in the brain, they provoke cell death, which leads to dementia.

Japanese scientists from the National Institute of Quantum Science and Technology have discovered that the p62 gene plays a key role in the selective autophagy of tau oligomers, according to a press release Protecting the Brain from Dementia-Inducing Abnormal Protein Aggregates. First, they showed that the accumulation of tau proteins can be suppressed through the p62 receptor protein. Further experiments demonstrated the potential of discovery for the treatment of neurodegeneration.

Suppression of p62 synthesis in mouse models led to the accumulation of tau in the hippocampus, the brain region responsible for memory, as well as in the brain stem, which coordinates breathing, heartbeat, blood pressure and other processes. As a result, without p62, mice developed all the signs of neurodegeneration and inflammation.


"We see that p62 plays a neuroprotective role in dementia models and, therefore, can prevent tau aggregation," the authors said. Further studies should confirm this hypothesis — to show that stimulation of p62 expression prevents or slows down neurodegeneration. If successful, a new strategy will be considered for the treatment of dementia in humans.

Article by Ono et al. The central role for p62/SQSTM1 in the elimination of toxic tau species in a mouse model of tauopathy is published in the journal Aging Cell – VM.

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