Average temperature in the hospital
The Japanese have developed a contactless pneumachometer for several patients
Grigory Kopiev, N+1
A device has been created capable of contactless measuring the heart rate and respiration simultaneously in several patients. For measurements, it uses millimeter-wave radio waves, which are also used in so-called "undressing scanners" at airports. The new device, developed by engineers from Panasonic and Kyoto University, is a significantly improved version of the prototype presented last year. This is reported on the Panasonic website.
Usually, the heartbeat is measured using heart rate monitors attached to the body. Sometimes this prevents patients from moving freely and causes discomfort. Because of this, engineers are developing alternative measurement approaches, such as contactless sensors. Last year, Japanese experts have already shown a similar device, and now they have presented a significantly modified version of it.
As in the case of the prototype, the new device is based on a millimeter wave radar with a frequency of 79 gigahertz. Radars using millimeter waves are used, for example, at airports. Radio waves with such wavelengths penetrate through clothing, but not through the body.
The device of Japanese developers constantly monitors the movements of the patient's body caused by heartbeat and breathing, and then using special algorithms isolates them from other signals.
The new version of the equipment has two significant differences from the previous one. Firstly, now the device can track the physiological parameters of several people at once, located at a distance of at least seven and a half centimeters from each other. Secondly, engineers were able to significantly reduce the size of the device – now it is comparable to the size of a palm, whereas before it was the size of a microwave oven. It is worth noting that engineers do not provide detailed technical data about their development.
Recently engineers from The Massachusetts Institute of Technology has developed a contactless device for tracking sleep phases. It also works on the basis of radio emission and can track a person's movement, heartbeat and breathing, and then uses a neural network to process this data and determine the sleep phase in which he is.
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