04 March 2011

Buy Argus Bionic Retinas!

Bionic retina is registered in the EU
Copper newsThe developer of the implantable bionic retina has received the rights to sell this product in the European Union, reports The Engineer (Sight-restoring implant approved for sale in EEA).

The Argus II bionic retinal prosthesis is manufactured by the American company Second Sight.

Argus II was admitted to the European market based on the results of clinical trials in which more than 30 blind patients participated. The safety and effectiveness of the device was evaluated by an independent expert commission. Second Sight became the first company to receive a certificate of compliance with EU directives for a device that restores completely lost vision.

The president of the company, Robert Greenberg, noted that the bionic prosthesis is intended for patients suffering from degenerative diseases of the retina. Bionic retinal surgery for Europeans is planned to be carried out in a number of medical centers, including the Royal Eye Hospital of Manchester (Manchester Royal Eye Hospital) and the London Eye Hospital Moorfields (Moorfields Eye Hospital).

Argus II is a device in the form of glasses and consists of a camera and a video processor. The processor converts optical signals into a series of electrical pulses responsible for dark and light areas of the image. Via a wireless communication channel, the pulses are transmitted to a receiver mounted directly near the eye. From there, through the thinnest cable, they get to a 1 by 1 millimeter chip implanted in the retina with 60 electrodes connected to the optic nerve.

During the Argus II clinical trials, most of the patients who lost their sight for the first time in a long time were able to distinguish letters written in large type, determine the position of nearby objects and, in some cases, read short words. According to the developers, such results "exceed the wildest expectations."

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru04.03.2011

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