Gamers helped scientists again
Scientists have improved RNA assembly algorithms thanks to an online game
"This would not be possible if the players in EteRNA simply gave out structures using an online simulator. By synthesizing the most successful structures in the laboratory of Rhiju Das at Stanford, we give the community feedback on what works and what doesn't in the real world. As a result, amateurs helped us understand the principles of RNA assembly and significantly expanded the possibilities of science," explained Adrian Treiulle from Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh (USA).
The online game EteRNA made it possible to unite the efforts of 37 thousand amateurs who solved two-dimensional puzzles related to the assembly of RNA molecules. At the same time, they received from Treye and his colleagues the results of experiments in which RNA molecules were actually synthesized according to the rules they invented.
Using machine learning methods, scientists have created the EteRNAbot algorithm based on the most successful RNA assembly methods. They compared the performance of the players, the EteRNAbot algorithm and two modern algorithms for the development of structures of RNA molecules.
It takes less than a minute for a computer to calculate the structure of a molecule, while it takes 1-2 days for a person. Plus, testing in the laboratory takes a month, and in general, testing took a year. The results showed that the structure created by man in 99% of cases exceeds the results of the usual algorithm, while the structures developed by EteRNAbot – in 95%. Now the researchers plan to include the assembly of three-dimensional structures in the game.
Artificial RNA molecules with predetermined properties make it possible to study living systems and control their work. But so far, the algorithms that are used to calculate the necessary RNA structure are imperfect, so when synthesizing molecules, they often do not have the necessary properties.
Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru30.01.2014