Glove for rehabilitation after stroke
Scientists have developed a robot glove for stroke patients
News from Reuters: Robotic glove could help stroke survivors
The staff of the University of Hertfordshire has developed a SCRIPT glove that allows restoring the mobility of the upper extremities in patients after a stroke. The device, equipped with sensors, works in a set with gaming computer programs.
The study of the device involved 34 volunteers suffering from impaired hand mobility due to a previous stroke. All participants in the experiment regularly used the SCRIPT glove when performing exercises. As the scientists explained, the device ensured the restoration of the normal position of the wrist and hand.
A picture from the press release of the University of Hertfordshire: Robots for stroke rehabilitation - VM.
"Often after a stroke, the patient has a closed hand position: the wrist is bent and the fingers are clenched. The glove provides a displacement of force in such a way that the brush gradually opens," said study co–author Naila Rahman (Naila Rahman).
The longer the rehabilitation course with the help of the SCRIPT system lasts, the more difficult the tasks become. Based on the readings coming from the sensors, the attending physician can remotely monitor the patient's results, change the treatment regimen and prescribe repeated examinations. It is expected that the cost of the device, which should appear on sale in the next two years, will be about $ 10 thousand.
Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru09.04.2015