22 July 2019

Look inside the body

A breakthrough technology of ultrasonic noninvasive endoscopy has been created

Sergey Kolenov, Hi-tech+

The new technology of optical visualization of internal organs is based on ultrasound and allows you to make all biological tissues and organs that interfere with access to the desired part of the body "transparent" for optical visualization. The discovery will make a detailed examination of the brain, stomach and other internal organs non-invasive, and therefore absolutely painless.

The article by Scopelliti & Chamanzar Ultrasonically sculpted virtual relay lens for in situ microimaging is published in the journal Light: Science & Applications – VM.

Endoscopic examination involves the introduction of cameras directly into the patient's body. This is a painful procedure, which in some cases even requires surgical intervention. Researchers from Carnegie Mellon University has proposed an alternative approach based on ultrasound – non-surgical and completely non-invasive.


According to a press release from Ultrasound-assisted optical imaging to replace endoscopy in breakthrough discovery, the team used ultrasound to increase the permeability of biological tissues to light. In fact, they were turned into a kind of "lens" that provided optical visualization with access to internal organs. By adjusting the flow of ultrasound, the researchers were able to effectively focus light at the desired depth, obtaining images that were previously unavailable in a non-invasive way.


A diagram of how the "ultrasonic patch" will work.

In their work, the team mainly focused on the brain and tissues lying close to the surface of the body. Further research will help to understand how deep it is possible to look into the body with the help of an ultrasound lens.

According to the authors, in the future, the development will allow to abandon the introduction of cameras under the skin or inside the body. This will make the examination of the brain, stomach and other internal organs much less unpleasant. In addition, the technique will help to study the causes of a number of diseases.

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