27 September 2017

Paper Glucose meter

Scientists have invented a patch that controls sugar levels

Julia Bondar, Copper News

Researchers from Binghamton University (USA) we have developed a unique tool for blood sugar control. This is a paper patch with an indicator that changes depending on the sugar level. The "system", if you can call a small patch that, works without batteries and is very convenient to use – it is not necessary to pierce the skin: the patch analyzes not blood, but sweat.


A picture from the press release New self-powered paper patch could help diabetics measure glucose during exercise – VM.

The developers placed a miniature battery with enzyme catalysts that interact with glucose and oxygen in a paper patch. The element is in direct contact with the skin, which allows sweat to enter a special tank. A reaction takes place in this cavity, and chemical energy is converted into electrical energy. Thus, there is no need to use an external source of electricity. 

This disposable electrochemical indicator is intended primarily for patients suffering from diabetes and faithfully following the recommendations of doctors on physical training. Due to the simplicity of monitoring, the patch prevents hypoglycemia (a dangerous drop in sugar levels), which can happen during exercise. In addition, during training, there are no problems with getting enough sweat for analysis.

All common methods for determining sugar levels involve the need to pierce the skin and squeeze out blood. Doing this several times a day can be quite unpleasant. In addition, such measurements are not very convenient for the prevention of hypoglycemia during exercise.

"It is inconvenient to do an analysis with a blood glucose meter during training: you need to take with you an alcohol solution for disinfection, consumables and the device itself. And monitoring glucose levels during physical exertion is a vital necessity for all diabetics," he concluded Seohyun Choi, Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Binghamton University Seohyun Choi.

How else are plasters used in medicine

The idea of using patches for a variety of medical purposes is very attractive. Firstly, it is very simple and does not require special skills. Secondly, all manipulations with patches have minimal trauma, unlike invasive procedures.

For example, with the help of a patch, you can determine that you have been in the sun for too long – when it's time to hide in the shade, it will change color. This patch was developed by scientists from Australia, where the problem of sunburn and skin cancer is especially relevant.

And with the help of a patch, you can effectively lose weight, as scientists from Columbia University Medical Center and the University of North Carolina have proved. However, so far studies have been conducted only on rats.

Researchers from Theranica have created a unique system called Nerivio Migra based on a patch equipped with a battery and an electrical stimulator – this device helps to fight migraines. In addition, contraceptive hormonal patches have been in use for a long time, as well as patches that get rid of nicotine addiction.

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