Healing with young blood
Anna Petrenko, Copper News
Anna Petrenko, Copper News
A group of physiologists from Harvard University has once again confirmed the important role of GDF11 (growth differentiation factor) and GDF8 (myostatin) proteins for the rejuvenation of the body.
23 October 2015Another molecular "rejuvenating apple" is in no hurry to meet expectations – the same protein, tissue differentiation factor 11 (GDF-11), in different experiments can both promote muscle regeneration and suppress it.
22 May 2015Aged muscle stem cells can be extracted from the body, rejuvenated in the laboratory and returned back – and after that, almost youthful strength will return to the old muscles.
18 February 2014The blood of the young mouse entered the circulatory system of the old mouse for 4 weeks, after which the hypertrophied heart of the "old lady" decreased in size and outwardly began to resemble the heart of a young rodent.
15 May 2013An international team of scientists has managed to discover for the first time the key factor responsible for the aging of muscle tissue and disable it in mice with the help of existing drugs.
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