27 April 2015

I will live a century and a half

How a Russian doctor from England plans to live to 150 years

Sergey Manukov, "Expert Online"

Alex Zhavoronkov, director of the British company Biogerontology Research Foundation, wants to prove that he is able to live up to at least one and a half hundred years. The anti-aging specialist is confident that science has reached such heights that a person can safely live up to 150 years, and intends to prove this by his own example.


Alex Zhavoronkov is from Russia, but works in the UK. He runs a Biogerontological Research Foundation in Britain. He has a wide range of interests, but he considers his main business, as the Daily Telegraph writes, to be the fight against aging. He has written more than 40 scientific papers, mainly devoted to the processes of aging and the fight against them.

Alex Zhavoronkov is sure that the achievements of medical science and the widespread use of antibiotics now allow people to live much longer than they think.

"I think," he says, "that even people who are now over 70 have a good chance of living to 150 and longer."

Dr. Zhavoronkov wants to prove this theory by his own example. The 37-year-old doctor takes about 100 different medications and supplements daily and hopes to live up to 150 years without problems. Why exactly up to 150? He gave an interview to the Telegraph shortly after the results of research by Austrian doctors appeared in print, from which it follows that old age, at least in their opinion, due to the achievements of medicine, comes only after 74 years.

Perhaps the milestone of a hundred and fifty years appeared as a result of simple arithmetic. This is the rounded result of adding up the life spans in the UK and Russia – 78.8 and 70.5 years, respectively.

Of course, modern Methuselah regularly does physical education and sports, is often examined by doctors and monitors the composition of his own blood and counts the number of blood cells.

If earlier, Alex Zhavoronkov explains, they said about centenarians that they were lucky and that they had a strong body resistance, which is explained by a number of factors, including correct genetics, then in the very near future humanity should feel the fruits of the development of medical science.

"I think in two or three years," says Zhavoronkov, "effective pharmacological solutions will appear that will prolong our youth and strengthen our health. Then the achievements of regenerative medicine and genetics will arrive, which will increase life expectancy."

The most difficult, according to Dr. Zhavoronkov, will be the struggle with psychology. In his opinion, the main enemies of high life expectancy are not biology, but economics, social and behavioral factors. At the same time, the main battlefield is the head, the human consciousness.

Alex Zhavoronkov has many supporters in the scientific world. Many experts believe that a person is quite capable of living much longer than the average life expectancy. It is possible to significantly increase life expectancy through simple measures. For example, take regular walks, reduce sugar, salt and fat intake, and use existing medications, such as, say, statins, which can prolong life.

It would seem that everything is extremely simple, but it is very difficult to convince people to do what is useful for them.

Take at least an interesting study by scientists at Cardiff University. In 1979, they asked 2,500 men to follow five simple rules: eat right, work harder and drink less, watch their weight and not smoke.

After almost four decades, it turned out that only 25 people strictly followed these simple rules all this time. They were significantly healthier than those who stopped taking care of themselves, and lived longer. And they lived a full life.

10 tips of Dr. Zhavoronkov for those who want to live up to 150 years:Avoid psychological aging.

  1. Set for yourself a limit of longevity, theoretically achievable, but to achieve which it is necessary to make efforts. Alex Zhavoronkov himself, for example, now wants to live to 170 years.
  2. Take more time for yourself. Try to postpone fatherhood or motherhood as long as possible to avoid responsibility for children. It is necessary to put success in health promotion first, and not in business or career. Constantly study and teach those around you.
  3. Try to be friends with young people, preferably with young scientists and doctors. Scientists live longer and retain intellectual energy much longer than ordinary people.
  4. Do research on the aging process. Only personal knowledge of the subject will provide confidence and force you to take medications that prolong life. Some of them are already sold in pharmacies.
  5. Keep in good physical shape: sleep for seven hours, monitor the amount of calories absorbed, do yoga and weights. Take care of your health and try to avoid inflammation and other diseases.
  6. Determine your predispositions with the help of basic genetic research. It will also help to anticipate the effects of certain medications on your body.
  7. Go through medical examinations. Regularly check the blood composition and the number of blood cells, pulse, etc.
  8. Start taking geroprotectors, substances that prolong life.
  9. Collect your biological samples, for example, blood and tissues for further use and research.
  10. Make your life more interesting so that you want to live longer.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru27.04.2015

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