Magic genes
Thanks to the so-called "longevity genes", some people live decades longer than others. One of these genes is the LAV gene encoding the BPIFB4 protein.
In the course of numerous studies, one of its variants has been found in people with a life expectancy of more than a hundred years. Scientists from Italy have found that the inclusion of this version of the gene in the DNA of mice stops the development of atherosclerosis and reduces the risk of developing other cardiovascular diseases by improving the overall condition of the inner surface of blood vessels and reducing atherosclerotic plaques.
In other words, the longevity-associated variant of the LAV gene leads to a real rejuvenation of the cardiovascular system. Scientists have also managed to achieve a similar effect, but not by introducing genes, but by delivering the BPIFB4 protein into human blood vessels.
The results of other studies suggest that with a high level of BPIFB4 protein in the blood, a person has healthier blood vessels, and carriers of the genetic variant of LAV, in turn, have a higher level of this protein.
The results of this study give hope to people who do not have a genetic predisposition to longevity.
The article by Puca et. al Single systemic transfer of a human gene associated with exceptional longevity halts the progression of atherosclerosis and inflammation in ApoE knockout mice through a CXCR4-mediated mechanism is published in the European Heart Journal
Elena Panasyuk, portal "Eternal youth" / based on Eurekalert: From centenarians' genetic code, a potential new therapy against cardiovascular diseases.