01 October 2012

Rejuvenate aged muscles

Mouse muscles rejuvenated

ABC MagazineAn international team of scientists has managed to discover for the first time the key factor responsible for the aging of muscle tissue and disable it in mice with the help of existing drugs.

Their discovery is described in the journal Nature (The aged niche disrupts muscle stem cell quiescence).

As you know, with age, muscles lose their mass and become weaker, which affects a person's mobility. Researchers from King's College London (King's College London), Harvard University (Harvard University) and Massachusetts General Hospital observed the stem cells of muscle tissue. They are responsible for repairing damaged areas of the muscles. In case of injury, some of these cells divide and form hundreds of new muscle fibers that fill the damage, and the other part divides and replenishes the pool of stem muscle cells ready for the next "repair". Scientists have wondered why this ability to regenerate decreases with age.

The researchers tracked the stem muscle cells in old mice and found that the supply of these cells decreases with age. As a result, each time the muscle recovers worse and worse and gradually ages. Scientists have found that the muscles of old mice contain a large amount of FGF2 protein (fibroblast growth factor, fibroblast growth factor – VM), which stimulates cell division. It is this protein that causes the reserve pool of stem cells to constantly divide, even when it is not necessary. Because of this, the supply of these cells is depleted, and when there is a real need to restore the muscle, stem cells are no longer enough. Therefore, scientists have tried to block the synthesis of FGF2 protein with a very common drug. And they succeeded – the excessive division of stem cells slowed down, and their number in the muscle tissue began to increase.

Now the researchers intend to find out why the concentration of FGF2 increases with age in the muscles. They also plan to conduct a similar study on human muscles to make sure that the same processes occur in them with age as in the muscles of mice. In the meantime, the discovery of scientists only allows us to dream about how in the future doctors will be able to prevent muscle aging in humans. As a result, older people will be able to maintain their mobility and independence longer. Also, a new technique of muscle regeneration can find application in sports medicine.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru01.10.2012

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