20 September 2012

Young fifties

The average age now begins at 55, old age – at 69

MedikForumThe average age begins at 55, and the elderly comes after 69.

This is the result of a sociological study conducted in the UK.

Once upon a time, reaching the age of 50 was considered a very serious life span, beyond which people already saw their frightening old age. Today, 50-year-olds are not even considered middle-aged, continuing, obviously, to be considered young people. According to a sociological study conducted in the UK, most residents of this country believe that old age begins after 70 years. And youth ends only at 55.

Sociologists believe that such a change in the attitude of society to age is explained by the fact that the nation is aging. Life expectancy is increasing, the number of elderly people who do not want to consider themselves old or elderly at all is growing. Currently, according to statistics, there are already more people in the UK who are over 65 than those under 16. This is the first time in the history of the country.

A study commissioned by the website Love to Learn showed that most people consider the threshold for the onset of middle age to be 54 years and 347 days. And 20% of the survey participants generally stated that the average age comes after 60. Another 19% believe that the average age is not a mark in the passport and not a biological indicator, but a state of mind.

In fact, the survey was mainly devoted to the attitude of those over 50 to online learning (this is the kind of service this site offers for small pounds), and here only one section is retold from the detailed report, Middle age - time to redefine it? – VM.

Thus, the British are convinced that they retire in middle age, and their old age comes much later. And although at first glance such views on the age limits of a person's life seem doubtful, there is a reason for them. Today's 50-year-olds lead the same active lifestyle as yesterday's 30-year-olds. This applies to sports, sex, travel and even career building. In addition, most people like the idea of such a "life extension".

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru20.09.2012

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