04 December 2017

Are you turning gray and balding? Check the heart!

Doctors have linked baldness with the risk of developing heart disease

RIA News

Early baldness and gray hair in men younger than 40 years may indicate a predisposition to cardiovascular diseases, this is evidenced by the conclusions of European doctors who presented the results of their study at the conference of cardiologists of India in Calcutta (Male-pattern baldness and premature greying associated with risk of early heart disease).

The authors examined 790 young people with coronary insufficiency and 1,270 healthy people in the control group, examining their cardiograms, echocardiographs, blood tests and scalp hair.

It turned out that young men with heart diseases go bald more often than representatives of the control group – 49% and 27%, respectively. The difference was even greater in the case of premature gray hair – it was detected in half of the study participants with diseases versus 30% of the control group.

"The alleged reason for the existence of such a relationship may be the nature of biological aging. That is, the aging processes in some patients may start earlier and pass faster. This may affect the condition of the hair," says Kamal Sharma, one of the authors of the study.

Doctors recommend that men with premature baldness or gray hair pay attention to the state of their cardiovascular system and think about changing their lifestyle, including giving preference to a healthy diet and avoiding stress and bad habits.

Coronary insufficiency is a condition in which the coronary blood flow decreases or stops. Because of this, the heart does not receive enough nutrients and oxygen. This condition is the most common manifestation of coronary heart disease. Coronary insufficiency can lead to a heart attack and sudden cardiac arrest.

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