28 November 2023

A nutritionist told how not to gain weight during the New Year's Eve party

New Year's holidays are just around the corner, and so are worries about having "overdone" in eating and drinking again. Doctor-dietitologist and specialist in LFC Larisa Rogozhina shares her advice.

Although she is the author of nutritional support programs for adults and children, but the first thing that emphasizes: do not sit on diets, even with a great desire to fit into your favorite dress. Any diet leads to a breakdown, which is very bad for both health and mood. We need to talk about sensible dieting for life.

However, what can be offered to those who led a correct and moderate lifestyle, but are afraid to overeat on New Year's Eve?

Larisa Rogozhina looks at the problem quite soberly. "You will not get away from our common habit late in the evening on December 31 to sit down at a lavishly laid table, first to spend the Old Year, then snack on the New... The feast will drag on. - she says. - And then in the morning there will definitely be adored by many people "doedki", when you just woke up, immediately rushed to the refrigerator, and there ... already sliced sausage, salad, cake".

What to do? Remove one meal from the daily routine on December 31. Do the same on the first of January. "Wake up and go for a walk, an hour or two. Come back for lunch. Remove all snacks, even if they are so tempting."

Doctors and nutritionists advise to sit down at the table, only when you really want to eat. They even have a joke: "If you're ready to chew raw broccoli, you're hungry".

It's not a bad idea to go to the gym. This will also regulate the urge to sit down at the table and continue feasting. "Before training, meat or poultry can be eaten in two and a half hours, milk, salad - in an hour, - explains the nutritionist. - And after exercise, it is better to drink water and do not eat for an hour."

By the way, medical consultants of fitness clubs and experts on effective and safe physical activity finally rehabilitated water during exercise. Remember the saying, "Horses don't get watered?" "Without water, thermoregulation will suffer, blood thickens during exercise, so be sure to drink half a glass of water every half hour of training," advises Larisa Rogozhina.

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