08 October 2012

Food and other drugs

7 addictions that have become diseases

MedikForumNews came from the USA: in this country they want to equate Internet addiction with mental disorders.

Meanwhile, in China, Internet addiction has been officially considered a disease since 2008, the Australian health system announced that it had begun a serious fight against it. Experts consider addiction to be a phenomenon of the modern world – the fragile psyche of today's people saves themselves from stress by going into various realities, from virtual to gastronomic.

All addictions have similar features – a sharp refusal causes anxiety and emotional excitement in dependent people. But indulging in addiction leads to degradation: a person ceases to be interested in the world around him, falls down, does not control himself. In different cases, this contributes to certain problems (which can be so serious that it destroys families, will cause severe, sometimes fatal ailments). Those tied to the Internet, for example, are more at risk of falling into depression.

For reference:
Psychiatrists identify 6 signs of Internet addiction:

  • obsessive search for information, endless travel on the World Wide Web,
  • addiction to virtual communication and virtual dating,
  • gaming addiction is an obsessive fascination with computer games over the network,
  • obsessive financial need – unnecessary purchases in online stores, constant participation in online auctions,
  • addiction to watching movies over the Internet,
  • obsessive attraction to visiting porn sites and engaging in virtual sex.

Dependence on technologyModern life is impossible to imagine without objects created using new technologies.

It is safe to say that there is a dependence on the phone and a dependence on the TV. How, for example, does dependence on TV viewing arise? According to psychologists, almost everyone has certain unrealized desires and aspirations. Bright pictures on the screen allow you to abstract from everyday worries, immersed in the world of colorful colors, bright relationships, exceptional success of the characters and so on. There is a transfer – a beautiful life on the screen is perceived as its own, and the need to watch TV becomes more tangible. The person at the screen is transferred to another world, where no effort is required from him to solve existing problems. There is a noticeable decrease in critical attitude to what is shown on the screen.

In the case of dependence on mobile phones, doctors believe, there is also a high risk of mental disorders. Who of us is comfortable when the phone remains forgotten at home? People become irritable and nervous if for some reason they cannot use mobile communication, they say that they feel thrown out of the flow of life, lonely and unnecessary. For some, emotional discomfort can develop into paranoia, leading to severe conditions. This is especially dangerous in the case of an unstable child's psyche. Japanese researchers have proved that teenagers who do not part with phones are characterized by increased anxiety and a tendency to depression.

Food and other drugsIf we talk about the most "popular" psychological addictions, then there are six of them:

  • from alcohol;
  • from computers;
  • from food;
  • from smoking;
  • from drugs;
  • from gambling.

Each manifests itself in the form of an uncontrolled craving for actions related to satisfying a need caused by a bad habit. At the same time, if a person is dependent, he forms a certain lifestyle.

Actually, addiction arises as a result of habit, systematic regular repetition. It is difficult for the sickest to realize, so, for example, it happens in bulimics, drug addicts and alcoholics (although sometimes a person understands that he is in captivity of habits, which makes him burdened with guilt and even more goes into isolation). The addict believes that he can stop at any time, stop, but everything happens exactly the opposite, i.e. the bad habit only intensifies every day and turns into physical dependence. In some cases, for example, with dependence on food, there may be several reasons – hormonal disorders, mental illness, stress, heredity. In each individual case, a thorough examination and consultation of specialists is necessary. Psychological aspects of addictions often do not lie on the surface, but are deeply hidden, and it is possible to get rid of the problem only by receiving specialized assistance from highly qualified medical personnel.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru08.10.2012

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