21 November 2012

For beautiful ladies: 12 ways to harm beauty and health

The most harmful female habits

Ekaterina Taranova, KM.RUAny representative of the fair sex dreams of being beautiful, and beauty is impossible without good health.

However, many ladies have habits that stand in the way of a proper lifestyle. Alas, many prefer to allow themselves small "feminine weaknesses" rather than seriously struggle with addictions that actually pose a very real threat.

Most of us have no idea to what extent our life consists of so-called bad habits. Meanwhile, the most dangerous of them can cause catastrophic damage: families are destroyed, health is killed, personality is destroyed.

So, here is a list of the most unhealthy habits.

1. SmokingThe mass media tirelessly talk about such harmful factors for health as smoking and alcoholism.

These "cultural" poisons have long been a social evil. Everyone knows that they are the cause of increased mortality and reduced life expectancy. But people keep smoking! The reasons that make millions of women spoil their health every day, each has its own. If men smoke to recharge, then for women smoking is often a means of dealing with stress or excess weight. 44% of the fairer sex and 39% of men resort to a cigarette in a stressful situation.

It turns out that women are more likely than men to grab a cigarette! Moreover, many girls seriously expect to lose weight by smoking. But in reality, ladies who have given up tobacco lose weight, and not vice versa. In addition, nutritionists have found that the skin of a woman who quit smoking for 9 months of life without nicotine is younger by an average of 13 years.

2. High heelsThe Spanish director Almodovar named one of his films that way, because high heels are a vivid symbol of femininity.

Therefore, it is not surprising that girls and women prefer to wear them daily, without worrying about how this may affect their health. High heels disrupt proper posture and can lead to troubles such as arthritis, back pain and tendon problems.

Doctors remind you: the best heel size for everyday wear is 4-5 centimeters. And if you really can't give up this attribute of elegance at all, try to at least shorten the time when you wear shoes with heels. It is not by chance that some stars choose shoes with heels only to go on the red carpet, and in everyday life they do not hesitate to wear sneakers!

3. Undue concernDoctors say: stress damages women's health twice as often as men's.

Women are much more prone to feelings of anxiety, tend to dramatize and fall into depression. But that's not all: ladies often regret their former lovers, like to exaggerate their mistakes and savor failures.

The habit of constant worry about and without shatters the nervous system, leads to insomnia and numerous neurological diseases, often quite serious and difficult to cure. So before you make a big deal out of a molehill, remember that it can damage your nervous system.

4. The desire to be always irresistibleThe stronger sex sometimes also suffers from its physical imperfection, but women are much more often obsessed with the dream of an ideal body.

One medical study found that 16 percent of women with normal or underweight consider their weight... excessive!

The cult of beauty in society has led to the fact that even girls who are already threatened with anorexia still continue to consider themselves fat. Is it a joke that almost 90% of women want to change at least one "physical defect" in themselves!

The desire to constantly change something in ourselves not only has a detrimental effect on self-esteem (it is no accident that psychology calls for loving ourselves as we are), but also leads to health disorders. The habit of being dissatisfied with themselves leads women into captivity of an endless series of diets, which often give the opposite result to the desired – up to a fatal outcome.

Another danger of the race for an unattainable ideal is cosmetic procedures, if they are carried out excessively often, or by unqualified specialists. Sometimes this leads to failures both in beauty salons and as a result of untimely, or even unnecessary plastic surgery. So the habit of staying beautiful everywhere and always can turn into negative health consequences.

5. Alcohol consumptionAlas, it happens that women drink no less than men: this happens on dates, at friendly parties, and at corporate gatherings in the office.

Since adolescence, older "comrades" have been trying to encourage the girl – the desire to be like everyone else, to enter "their" company makes her drink the first glass. We have a very loyal attitude to copious alcoholic libations at festive feasts in our society, and it happens that a girl begins to drink alcohol with her family.

Of course, one glass won't make you an alcoholic. However, the fact is that women, like men, try to "wash down" stress and cure psychological trauma with alcohol. Here we must remember: women on average not only weigh less than men, but their bodies contain less liquid to dilute alcohol. This means that women get drunk much faster. To reduce alcohol consumption, try to at least dilute it with juices.

6. Sleep in makeupA considerable number of women, due to excusable fatigue and elementary laziness, succumb to the temptation to sleep with makeup on their face.

Such connivance is actually a lack of basic self–care. Remember – without washing off makeup at night, you leave dirt on the skin, clogging the pores and provoking the appearance of inflammation. Sleeping with mascara on your eyelashes is very harmful – it leads to eye irritation.

For health, it would be good to get into the habit of taking a shower every day at night, which should become the same norm as a morning shower.

7. Carrying extra cargoWith the ubiquity of gadgets such as laptops and netbooks, women all over the world carry bags weighing several kilograms with them every day.

Of course, the negative effect of this will not be lightning fast, but after a while you will certainly feel back pain, as well as a deterioration in posture.

It is better to prevent these problems by trying to carry fewer things with you and use several bags to distribute their weight.

8. Lack of sleepChronic lack of sleep is the scourge of our technogenic time.

In pursuit of success and in an effort to catch up as much as possible in 24 hours, people ruthlessly steal time from their own sleep.

This problem also applies to men, but women traditionally have more household chores on their shoulders. And if a man, sacrificing sleep, can relax at the computer at this time, a woman rushes to the barricades of everyday affairs. As a result, such half-careerists, half-housewives go into the arms of Morpheus far after midnight. Also, a study conducted by the University of Michigan showed that women are twice as likely as men to give up sleep to take care of a baby or an elderly parent.

The fact that an overslept woman feels bad and looks terrible is still half the trouble. In addition, lack of sleep can lead to an increased risk of heart disease and accidents at home and at work. Lack of sleep affects mood and blood pressure. That is why a full healthy sleep is so important.

9. Addiction to mini skirtsNot only do such skirts and mini-jackets make fashionistas vulnerable to the cold, but also tight tights and jeans disrupt blood circulation in the pelvic organs, which can provoke an inflammatory process.

Remember that attractiveness is not measured by the area of the open body. A healthy, stylishly and weather-dressed girl looks much prettier than a fan of minimalism who turned blue from the cold.

10. Wrong size of underwearIt has been found that approximately 70% of women wear the wrong bra size.

This is due to the fact that some do not like that their breasts are too big, and they are trying to fix it by radically smaller size, others are having problems with small breasts, and they are trying in every possible way to visually enlarge it.

Meanwhile, if you wear the wrong size all the time, it can cause a number of problems: back pain, neck and chest, difficulty breathing, skin irritation and circulatory disorders. It is better to set your exact size and wear only it.

11. Passion for tanning salonsDermatologists have already recognized that even with reasonable use of a solarium (no more than 1-2 times a week), it does more harm to health than good.

Ardent fans of this miracle of civilization should remember the rule – one session in the solarium is equivalent to a whole day spent on the beach, including the noonday hours undesirable for tanning! The consequences of this female habit are loss of elasticity by the skin, early wrinkles, hair structure disorders, pigmentation changes. It should also be taken into account that the risk of developing skin cancer in people who visit a solarium more than ten times a year increases by 7 times.

12. Jamming problemsWomen are more likely than men to try to improve their mood with food.

It is the weaker sex that loves sweets and chooses high-calorie foods as a cure for depression.

Instead of jamming the problem, cheer yourself up in a different way. For example, a walk in nature. Shopping trips traditionally lift women's spirits. But be careful with this method, as too frequent and uncontrolled spending can lead to a new addiction trap: turn you into a shopaholic.

Change the "minus" to "plus"!Getting rid of bad habits is not easy, because many of them have been developed over the years.

However, nothing is impossible here: working on yourself will allow you to eradicate them, improve your health and well-being, and at the same time raise your self-esteem to a new level.

The law of the origin of good and bad habits is the same – pleasure! So wouldn't it be logical to give preference to good habits, to what will be good for health, and to give up bad ones?

To useful habits, such as daily washing or pouring cold water, you can add new ones, those that you come up with for yourself – for example, a mandatory evening walk before going to bed or a weekly visit to the pool.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru21.11.2012

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