22 February 2024

What healthy habits increase happiness levels

A nationwide sociological study has shown that the level of happiness depends on physical activity and other healthy habits.

1600 residents of different regions of Russia answered several dozen questions that allowed us to understand how deviations from medical norms in lifestyle affect a person's emotional state or "happiness level". It turned out that this indicator depends most of all on stress levels, sleep duration, physical activity and diet.

As during the first wave of the study, the following indicators affecting health were measured in the present survey:

- body mass index

- physical activity

- smoking and alcohol consumption

- normal sleep (8-10 hours)

- stress level

- healthy diet (including salt, sugar and oil intake).

According to the survey results, 75% of respondents have normal physical activity, the remaining 25% suffer from its lack. Of these 75%, 40% of the participants said they were happy. Among the less active happy were much less - 28%.

The majority of Russians are sure that they eat right - 67% of respondents said so. 30% allow themselves minor deviations in the diet and only 3% admitted to an unbalanced diet. At the same time, almost half (45%) of those who eat correctly are happy.

The level of happiness is certainly influenced by the stress factor. Every second participant (55%) reported that they experience it rarely or not at all, and 45% noted that they fix this state often or constantly. Among those who are stress-resistant, 42% of people described themselves as happy, while of those in an unstable emotional state, only 30% were happy.

"During the first measurement we assessed how many people in Russia follow the principles of a healthy lifestyle, now, in addition to the main indicators, we decided to check what is the general state of happiness in society and how it correlates with healthy habits. The main conclusion is that the more people are committed to healthy lifestyle principles, the happier they feel," said Yulia Gryaznova, Head of the Strategy, Analytics and Research Directorate of National Priorities.

Bad habits were also checked during the survey. It turned out that the majority of participants (59%) do not smoke, more than half (52%) do not drink alcohol, 37% - allow themselves alcohol in moderate quantities and only 11% abuse it.

"The results show that the measures of the national project "Demography", aimed at reducing the consumption of alcohol and nicotine-containing products, retain their effectiveness", - say the experts of "National Priorities".

At the same time, other bad habits and factors that cause serious damage to health remain widespread. Thus, 55% of respondents are overweight, 68% are frequent sugar consumers, and 78% of respondents like butter.

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