18 November 2014

Once again about the dangers of triclosan

Using soap with triclosan can lead to liver cancer

Copper news based on the materials of the University of California: The dirty side of soapA study by American scientists has shown that prolonged exposure to triclosan – an antimicrobial component widely used in soaps, shampoos, toothpastes and other hygiene products – can lead to the development of fibrosis and liver cancer.

The results of preclinical studies were published yesterday in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (Yueh et al., The commonly used antimicrobial additive triclosan is a liver tumor promoter).

Triclosan has antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties, which is why it is actively used in detergents and cleaning products, as well as personal hygiene products. However, its high content in the body leads to hormonal disorders in the reproductive system and negatively affects muscle innervation. In addition, some microorganisms acquire genetic resistance to triclosan, which makes it useless.

Studies have shown that trace amounts of triclosan were found in breast milk of nursing women and in the urine of approximately 75 percent of the study participants.

The body of mice exposed to triclosan for six months (equivalent to 18 years for humans) was more prone to the development of liver tumors caused by chemicals, and in these animals tumors developed more often and faster than in mice not exposed to triclosan.

Triclosan disrupts the androstane receptor, which is involved in the removal of harmful chemicals from the body (detoxification).  To compensate for this, liver cells actively divide, forming fibrotic tissue over time. Repeated exposure to triclosan and developing liver fibrosis ultimately contributes to the development of a tumor.

"The potential harm of triclosan to the human body may outweigh its moderate benefits, representing a real risk of liver damage," said Robert Tukey, one of the authors of the study. In his opinion, triclosan can be left in toothpastes, where it is contained in a low concentration (no more than 0.3 percent) and effectively prevents the development of gingivitis, but this component must be eliminated from hand soap.

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