05 October 2017

The Best Diet for Cancer prevention

In fact, the best diet in this case is any, except for obviously harmful ones (if you have the strength to read this article, then strengthen its second part).

And the connection of obesity with a bunch of diseases, including cancer, has long been known. But many have not realized this yet – VM.

Scientists have named an effective way to protect yourself from cancer

RIA News

Experts from the American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have found that there is a link between cancer and obesity, and recommended avoiding excess weight as a preventive measure. This is reported by Medicalexpress (Obesity linked to 13 types of cancer).

"The fact that obesity and overweight can affect the occurrence of cancer will be news to many Americans. Few people know about the connection between some types of tumors and obesity or overweight," said Dr. Ann Shuhat, deputy head of the CDC.

Her colleague Dr. Lisa Richardson, who heads the Department of Cancer Control and Prevention, stressed that losing weight can reduce the risk of malignant neoplasms.

Scientists have found that overweight has become one of the causes of cancer in 630 thousand Americans. The study revealed a link between obesity and 13 types of malignant tumors. These include cancers of the brain, esophagus, breast, thyroid, stomach, gallbladder, liver, kidneys, pancreas, ovaries, uterus, colon and multiple myeloma. These diseases accounted for 40 percent of all cancer cases reported in The United States in 2014.

The researchers claim that the incidence of other types of cancer decreased by 13 percent from 2005 to 2014. At the same time, the number of tumors associated with obesity increased by seven percent. This, however, does not apply to colon cancer – thanks to early diagnosis, the number of cases has decreased by almost a quarter.

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