05 November 2014

Try the rabbit droppings…

Is it worth convincing fans of alternative medicine

Natalia Rubina, Copper NewsAlternative medicine, the interest in which has never faded in society, can be not just useless, but also dangerous: treatment of angina with kerosene often leads to a burn of the mucous membrane, refusal of chemotherapy for cancer in favor of starvation treatment directly leads to death.

Copper news discussed with doctors when it makes sense to convince people who firmly believe in the miraculous properties of beaver jet and homeopathy, and how to do it correctly.

Mikhail Laskov, oncologist:"My mom weighs a lot and has weighed a lot.

Likes to eat, doesn't like to move. In general, everything is as it happens with very overweight people (who do not come up with the idea: "something is wrong with my hormones"). One day her no less graceful friends offered to repeat their success, which happened to them in Tver, where they were told about the miracle diet. Of course, I was interested because I hear about kerosene, Bengal tigers and a dry hunger strike by the nature of my specialty very often. It was all the more interesting to find out that they offer to lose weight by doing a regular piercing, that is, inserting an earring made of some supermetal into the navel. But the earring does not work by itself, but only if: do not eat after 18, do not eat rice, pasta, bread, sweets, etc., etc. That is, quite obvious measures to lose weight without any earrings. And of course, the technique ended triumphantly: mom dropped 30-40 kg. However, then I pulled out the earring, stopped the diet and – again the status quo.

I believe that if evidence-based medicine is "sewn up" in a false method, as in this case, then it is not necessary to convince a person to abandon it, because people often look for a miracle. If the situation is serious, and a person does not want to use anything other than false methods, then it is certainly necessary to gently redirect him towards evidence-based medicine. If you do it tough, then people will send you and will continue their kerosene."

Vera Konstantinova, dentist:"One of my patients, wanting to lose weight quickly and effortlessly, found information on the web that ginger is what you need!

Accelerates metabolism by as much as 25 percent and quickly burns all calories. In combination with lemon generally works wonders. And here she is, let's eat and drink ginger and lemons in the morning, afternoon and evening, not suspecting that ginger with such use is able to persistently raise body temperature and cause allergic reactions. This the lady soon received. Writing off everything for a cold, I added antibiotics to it, found again on the Internet, finally ruined the immune system and recovered for quite a long time, of course, with the help of doctors. It was practically impossible to lose weight, since the diet and physical activity remained at the same level, only the increased consumption of lemons also led to the development of hypersensitivity of the teeth.

Convincing a person to resort to traditional scientific medicine is the most difficult and thankless task. People do not trust doctors, diagnostics and treatment for various reasons. For example, because now cases of counterfeit and, accordingly, ineffective medicines have become more frequent. To be honest, there is also a so-called "divorce" of patients, that is, finding non-existent diseases, overdiagnosis, etc. in order to enrich negligent doctors and medical centers. In addition, everything natural, bio, ecological, etc. is fashionable now. And in order to return a person to the path of evidence-based medicine, the arguments may be as follows:

  1. You cannot correctly interpret the symptoms of the disease, for example, the nature of the rash (with allergies, childhood infections, etc.), and the apparent size and depth of tooth decay does not always correspond to the real scale of damage to enamel and dentin.
  2. Currently, there are more and more erased, atypical forms of diseases, that is, not suitable for classical signs. This applies to pneumonia (without high fever), heart attack (without severe pain or pain of uncharacteristic localization), acute respiratory viral infections, allergic reactions, caries, dental pulpitis (without pain) and many others. And here, without adequate diagnosis and treatment, serious complications are not far away.
  3. The further away you are from making an accurate diagnosis and treatment, the less chance of recovery, as well as the higher risk of complications and the transition of the disease into a chronic form, which threatens to acquire problems for life.
  4. A highly qualified doctor who respects himself and his patients in any doubtful cases even then resorts to the advice of colleagues and additional methods in medicine, and what can the Internet do in this situation?
  5. It is a mistake to believe that the treatment with herbs, folk natural remedies is absolutely safe and is like everyone. There are also contraindications for them!
  6. Traditional medicine conducts treatment taking into account concomitant diseases in humans, so as not to aggravate them and cause an even greater malfunction in the body.
  7. Finally, scientific medicine reveals the cause of the disease, only by eliminating which it is possible to cure a person. While the grass-ants still more often act only on the symptoms, drowning them out, hiding the disease deep, and the pathological process has been going on and on.
  8. In the body, everything is much more complicated than nutritionists, folk healers, fans of bio– and eco-products imagine, and therefore the approach should be different."

Nadezhda Matveeva, rehabilitologist: "I have a friend who basically does not go to the doctors and dissuades all her friends from doing this – she treats them herself, allegedly by laying hands.

That is, literally: if something hurts, she puts her hands to the sore spot and sits there for a while. If in the case of a headache it sometimes helps, then in the case, for example, of constantly rising blood pressure – never. But to convince her of something is unrealistic.

If I convince anyone to go to the doctors, it's only my patients with torn ligaments and menisci. Because if this is not treated, then the case ends with severe arthrosis, when a girl at 18 has a knee like a 60-year-old."

Elmira Mammadova, pediatrician: "In the case of ordinary patients, the desire to self-medicate and diagnose on the Internet is still somehow understandable and understandable, but in the case of fellow doctors, this is complete nonsense for me.

For example, I have a colleague in the American Medical Center who is an infectious disease specialist. Very religious. She has not been able to get pregnant for a long time, but she does not go to the doctor, believing that this is God's providence. And if God does not give her a child, then it is not fate. She goes to the Madonna, prays and thinks it will help. I say to her: "Listen, well, you're a doctor, prescribe professional treatment to your patients, but you don't want to be examined yourself? What if you have a polyp there that you just need to remove and pregnancy will immediately occur?". It has already reached the ridiculous point – the priest to whom she goes to confession advised her to turn to some obstetrician-gynecologist who works at the Family Planning and Reproduction Center and also goes to him for confession. She promised to go.

In many ways, doctors and officials from the Ministry of Health themselves are to blame for the current situation with an abundance of self-medicating people. We have a norm for admission to a pediatrician – 6 minutes per person. Well, what can you do in 6 minutes? You won't even be able to understand what a person is worried about. But with all young moms you need to talk, explain, prove. How to do it in 6 minutes?".

Seda Baymuradova, obstetrician-gynecologist, hemostasiologist:"I am approached by both patients with problems that have already arisen, and those who are still healthy, but there are risk factors that are identified during diagnosis.

And convincing a person to start treatment to eliminate these risk factors is the most difficult thing. People feel well and believe that they are healthy and do not need help. For example, recently a woman came to me for an appointment, who during the examination revealed the risk of thromboembolism. I prescribed treatment for her, but then my husband got in: don't, he says, she doesn't need to take any pills, she feels good, you just want to spin us for money. And they left. As a result, this woman had thrombosis: the first time during pregnancy, and the second time in the postpartum period. After that, her husband himself brought her by the handle. Another patient, also at risk of thromboembolism, did not want to listen to me because her dad is a cardiologist, and her heart is supposedly fine. As a result, 2 weeks after giving birth, she dies of thromboembolism. Sometimes it is impossible to convince patients of something. We can only hope that they will start to trust doctors after all."

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru05.11.2014

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