Scientists have proven that strength training treats anxiety and depression
The formula "in a healthy body - a healthy spirit" is proven by medical facts. Scientists from Ireland and the United States have reviewed numerous studies and proposed to include strength training as an adjunct or even alternative therapy for anxiety disorders and depression. They published their findings in the journal Trends in molecular medicine.
The researchers listed the main points why strength training has such an effect on the nervous system.
1. The controlled breathing inherent in weight-bearing exercise promotes neural adaptation. "This is when the sensory system's sensitivity to a constant stimulus gradually weakens. In other words - a person stops focusing on their sensations," explains Russian endocrinologist, doctor of medical sciences Zuhra Pavlova in her Telegram channel.
2. Strength training increases the level of insulin-like growth factor (IGF1), which in turn promotes brain plasticity. A decrease in this indicator is associated with various diseases and mental disorders, including dementia and depression.
3. There is an adaptation to cerebrovascular disease, which is accompanied by headache. Researchers have found that headache and depression share similar neurophysiologic and biochemical characteristics. In addition, chronic pain contributes to the development of depression.
"Psychologists, by the way, also believe that strength training helps heal mental wounds. In a study conducted by Americans, participants confirmed that they find it easier to get through hard times in the gym," notes Dr. Pavlova.
"However, if sports do not help you feel better, be sure to seek help from a doctor," advises the expert.
In addition, strength training should be selected correctly. For example, lifting weights in women can lead to pelvic floor sagging, urinary incontinence and even pelvic organ prolapse. "You can also train successfully with safe kilogram dumbbells," emphasizes the endocrinologist.