24 November 2023

A doctor has named a symptom that is being found more and more often - 99% of the time it's cancer

Mark Gadziyan, MD, surgeon and oncourologist, warned about the harbinger of a severe problem in the patient. The last two months are recorded a very large number of patients who turned with the symptom of visible blood in the urine, said the specialist.

"Exactly visible," the oncourologist specified, adding that if this symptom is not accompanied by pain or cutting when going to the toilet - the problem is even more serious.

According to the doctor, "painless hematuria in 80-90% of cases means that somewhere in the urinary tract there is a tumor, and in 99% of cases - malignant."

"Most often it's bladder, kidney pelvis or ureter cancer, kidney parenchyma cancer, prostate cancer... Rarely it's urolithiasis. Much rarer than everyone thinks," says Mark Gadziyan, emphasizing once again that if you find blood when going to the toilet, and even more so in the absence of pain, you should make an appointment for examination with a urologist as soon as possible.

The doctor emphasized that smokers - in the zone of special risk.

Earlier, the specialist told about a useful habit before bedtime, associated with the prevention of heart attack and stroke. "One glass of water before bedtime can prevent stroke and heart attack," the doctor emphasized.

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