22 November 2023

The doctor named the main enemies of blood vessels and liver

There are components that contribute to the increase of "bad" cholesterol, increase the risk of atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease and fatty degeneration of the liver. They also aggravate the course of autoimmune and inflammatory processes. We are talking about fats, but not all of them. The most dangerous named doctor Ekaterina Volkova.

Fats are an important component that is necessary for the construction of body cells and hormones.

"And to refuse them is a crime against nature. But you need to know that fats can be useful and harmful," - reminded the specialist, adding that the most dangerous are trans fats.

It is better to exclude them. The specialist pointed to three products - margarine, palm oil, modified vegetable fat. Both and the third are found in most industrial sweets, chips, fast food, sausages.

"There is no need to be afraid of fats, but everything should be in moderation," concluded Ekaterina Volkova, urging not to abuse dishes where saturated fats of animal origin are presented in large quantities.

The most useful fats are contained in such products as butter, nuts, seed umber, sea fish, avocado.

Earlier, endocrinologist of the clinic of MSU, Doctor of Medical Sciences Zuhra Pavlova, reflecting on the most harmful products on the table, specified that it is worth giving up such a method of cooking as frying.

"Also from sugar, minimize alcohol, naturally, you should not smoke. It is desirable not to drink juices, sodas. Remove sausages from your refrigerator," - urged the doctor.

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