22 April 2024

A doctor has revealed how much fruit and vegetables to eat a day to slow down ageing

A gastroenterologist has named the exact amount of fruit and vegetables a person needs per day to slow down ageing and reduce cancer risks.

According to the doctor, 400 grams of fruits and vegetables will be enough. These dietary fibre-rich foods reduce the risk of infections and inflammation. Thanks to the antioxidants they contain, ageing is slowed down, and the hematopoietic system is also favourably affected.

The doctor also noted that it is better to choose fruits and vegetables that are as bright and coloured as possible, which means that they have more antioxidants than others.

The gastroenterologist advises choosing seasonal fruits and vegetables, as they are less likely to be treated with chemicals to maintain freshness during transport. They are also usually fresher, tastier and richer in nutrients.

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