22 January 2013

What diseases does excess weight lead to?

Infertility, diabetes, osteochondrosis…


Excess weight can lead to serious health problems. Which organs are affected first?

Heart and blood vesselsObesity significantly increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

And it's not just that in order to provide blood and oxygen to a large body, the heart works literally to the point of wear. Fat has hormonal activity. It secretes substances that increase blood pressure. This leads to the development of hypertension, and early, it is often observed in overweight people by the age of thirty. And hypertension is the main risk factor for cardiac catastrophes.

In addition, hormones of adipose tissue negatively affect blood vessels: they accelerate their aging, make them less elastic and more susceptible to cholesterol deposition. The consequence of this is atherosclerosis – another serious risk factor for heart attacks and strokes.

MetabolismObesity is the most important risk factor for developing type 2 diabetes.

The more fat cells in the body and the larger they are, the less sensitive the body is to insulin, a hormone necessary for processing glucose in the blood. As a result, the sugar level increases, and the disease develops.

In people with severe obesity, life expectancy is reduced by 12-15 years.
If you want to live a long time, strive for harmony.

There are many medications for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus. But it is noted that one of the most effective measures is to reduce weight by about 10% (weigh 100 kg – you need to lose 10 kg). Due to this, insulin sensitivity is noticeably increased, at the initial stages it is even possible to avoid further development of the disease.

Spine and jointsBeing overweight is like carrying a heavy bag.

This seriously increases the load on the intervertebral discs and "supporting" joints – knee and hip. They wear out faster, destructive changes occur in them. According to statistics, in obese women, arthrosis of the knee joints is observed 4 times more often than in slim. Obese people and osteochondrosis suffer more.

Respiratory organsIf the body mass index exceeds 35 kg / m2, the risk of nocturnal apnea increases sharply – breathing delays during sleep.

When fat is deposited in the neck area, the respiratory lumen narrows. During the day, the body can compensate for this, but at night the muscles relax. As a result, the respiratory tract subsides, and air ceases to enter the lungs. And this means that the blood is poorly saturated with it, all organs receive less of it. In addition, in order for a person to fully inhale, the brain is forced to constantly "wake up". As a result, the deep sleep phase does not occur, namely during it, growth hormone is produced in the body. In adults, fat is not consumed, but it does not stop accumulating, so we gain even more weight. To break this vicious circle, you need to take care of yourself: go on a diet, increase physical activity. Weight reduction by 10% halves the number of respiratory stops.

Also, fat deposits squeeze the veins leading to the lungs. Because of this, there may be stagnation in the pleura, poor ventilation of the lungs. Such people are more likely to develop pneumonia and other inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract.

GenitalsSince fat has hormonal activity, its excess can affect the menstrual cycle, aggravates the course of polycystic disease, and often even leads to female endocrine infertility.

Excess weight does not have the best effect on the reproductive capabilities of men, first of all, on potency.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru23.01.2013

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