28 December 2023

Toothache on New Year's Eve: a dentist explained how to get rid of it

Toothaches sometimes take us by surprise. New Year's Eve is no exception. It is not always possible to go to a dental clinic right away. Most dental offices start working on January 2-3.

"If you have a toothache on December 31, you should immediately rinse your mouth well and clean the sore spot with a toothbrush, toothbrushes, floss, and so on. With the tooth may be all right, and in the gum is embedded fish bone or the remains of hard food," - told "Rossiyskaya Gazeta" dentist of the clinic of aesthetic dentistry "Deva-Dent" Diana Levchuk.If it did not get better, then you should determine the nature of the pain. With acute pulsating, the doctor advises to drink non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. In this mode, you can survive 1-2 days before the dentists.

With dull, aching pain and discomfort when biting can help rinsing with a sodosol solution, notes Diana Levchuk. This is a proven folk remedy, which for a while weakens toothache and relieves inflammation of the gums.

Recipe: dissolve 1 teaspoon of table salt and 1 teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of warm water. Then rinse your mouth with the solution for at least 5 minutes. The solution should be changed every 30 seconds.

"If swelling has begun - swollen gum or cheek, it may already be dangerous," warns the dentist. - It's best to look for an on-call dentist. Most communities usually have offices that are open even on New Year's Eve. As a last resort, you can consult with a doctor online. Many clinics now offer this option. If swelling has begun - it means that there is an active inflammatory process and it is necessary to take antibiotics. But without consulting a doctor, you should not do it".

On New Year's Eve, the risks of getting a tooth injury - knocking it out or chipping off a piece, for example, when falling on a slippery path, hitting a champagne cork in the face and so on - increase. If this happens, the damaged tooth can be tried to be saved. Diana Levchuk recommends finding a knocked out tooth and immediately place it in clean water or milk. And then urgently look for a dentist on duty. The same applies to splinters.

"The less time that has passed since the injury, the higher the chance that the knocked out tooth will take root. But each case is different. Sometimes the tooth can be put back in place even if the patient goes to the doctor the next day," the dentist added.

Still, in any case, in case of any pain, if possible, you should urgently look for an on-call dental clinic and go to the doctor.

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