A Center for collective use of cellular technologies has opened in Novosibirsk
A new impetus to the development of biological sciences
Yu. Alexandrova, "Science in Siberia" No. 6-2013
On February 6, a solemn event took place in Novosibirsk Akademgorodok – the opening of a new building of the Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine SB RAS. The ceremony was attended by the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the SFO V. A. Tolokonsky.
As the director of the IHBFM, Academician V. V. Vlasov, said, "what we have been waiting for for a very long time has happened; at times I even lost hope." The idea of construction came just from Viktor Alexandrovich, but from the idea to its implementation, as you know, it is a long way. It took several years before the idea came to life – "there was a period of objective difficulties, but in the end everything worked out, and the matter was brought to an end. And this is another step in the development of the modern infrastructure of biological institutes of the SB RAS."
The new building will house a Center for collective use of cellular technologies, operating under the program "Proteomics. Genomics. Bioinformatics". A wide range of research in the field of various cellular technologies will be conducted here. First of all, we are talking about producers of biologically active substances, producers of therapeutic proteins, therapeutic antibodies. Scientists will also continue to create cellular vaccines and research antitumor drugs that are already in the testing stage. In addition, work is underway to create organs and tissues based on stem cells – for example, synthetic prostheses have already been obtained to replace the aorta.
"The scope of work is large, and it will expand, there are a lot of projects," stressed Valentin Viktorovich. "In general, cellular technologies are our present and tomorrow, a new type of treatment."
Academician D. G. Knorre, who delivered a welcoming speech, called the current event "another victory" and noted that the three buildings of the Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine are historically associated with the names of our outstanding scientists – academicians N. N. Vorozhtsov, L. S. Sandakhchiev and V. V. Vlasov. And the chairman of the SB RAS, Academician A. L. Aseev, spoke about the importance of building a new building, about its huge innovative potential and about "a powerful contribution to the development of biological science and modern medical technologies." He also noted that currently science "returns and strengthens its former positions."
Summing up the event, the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation V. A. Tolokonsky again recalled that "it is very important to strengthen the infrastructure for the development of research in the field of biology and modern biotechnologies, since such research involves a very serious material and technical base. And here there are premises that meet special standards that allow the production of scientific and biomedical products. I am sure that at the present time, when conditions and equipment need to be concentrated, this will give a new impetus to the development of biological sciences, the opportunity to scale and develop research to many scientific organizations in modern terms. Moreover, a very strong integration with other institutes and other scientific structures is already evident."
Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru07.02.2013