17 March 2008

A protein that stimulates the formation of fat cells has been found

Scientists at the Karolinska University (Stockholm), working under the guidance of Professor Goran Andersson, identified the TRAP protein synthesized by immune cells of adipose tissue, which plays a fundamental role in the formation of new adipocytes (fat cells). This protein is a potential treatment for cachexia (pathological exhaustion) and possibly another target in the fight against obesity.

In experiments on cell lines and mice, the authors demonstrated that the TRAP protein stimulates the formation of new fat cells and thus contributes to the development of obesity. In addition, it turned out that obese patients are characterized by high levels of TRAP protein in the body.

In pathological obesity, adipocytes are enlarged and insensitive to insulin, which often leads to an increase in blood glucose levels and the development of type 2 diabetes. However, the authors demonstrated that in mice, the TRAP protein stimulates the formation of fat cells of normal size and with normal metabolism.

According to Andersson, the TRAP protein may be particularly useful in the treatment of cachexia (exhaustion), which develops in certain types of cancer. It is also possible that the suppression of the effects of this protein may form the basis of new methods of treating obesity.

Portal "Eternal youth" www.vechnayamolodost.ru based on the materials of ScienceDaily


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